Deacon ➵ Distance

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Fallout 4
Warning: Cursing

I paced back and forth, "You- You can't be serious, right? You're just messing with me

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I paced back and forth, "You- You can't be serious, right? You're just messing with me. Right? God, you fuck with me so much I can't even tell anymore..."

Deacon sat on our bed like a child in detention. He'd been too kind and a little too serious lately, so I questioned him about it. He switched the topic quickly, and we had a short make-out session before he muttered that he had to leave for a month to help a Synth find somewhere to stay. It was his job. That immediately ruined the moment, and we broke out into a fight. He stood up, throwing his arms up, "Well, shit, Y/N, there are more people in this world than just me and you! Why can't you just get that through your thick skull?"

I felt my cheeks flush as anger flowed through my veins. Me and Deacon never fought. And he never rose his voice at me. I frowned at him, "You know what, if you want to go help out a stranger rather than be by your lover's side, who am I to stop you? Just go on! Just get the fuck out! I'm not gonna stop you anymore!"

He let out an angry puff of air before going out and slamming the door, shaking the room. I collapsed on the bed, falling and shoving my face into the pillow and letting out a calming, muffled scream. I heard the door open, and turned to the side, seeing Glory enter. She closed the door soundly behind her, and looked to me nervously, "What... happened?"

I sat up, explaining how much of a bitch my fiancé was being, and asked why she asked.

Glory sighed a little, "He cussed out Des for overworking him and never giving him a damn break. Then he sort of just grabbed his jacket and stormed out of the headquarters. I don't think I've ever seen him so mad."

I sobbed a little, "God, I don't know what I did to make him so mad at me!"

She grabbed my hand, relaxing my muscles, "I don't think he's mad at you hon. I do think he's being overworked though. He's out running ops for hours, and wants to spend time with you, so he hardly sleeps. If anything, he's upset with Desdemona for having trust issues so badly that she doesn't hire anyone to help him out. He's just tired of it, I guess."

I ran my hands down my face, chuckling in defeat, "Now I look like an asshole, huh? Where do you reckon he went?"

She shrugged, "My guess is the beach up by the front of the church. He goes there to smoke from time to time."

I thanked her, and grabbed a jacket, tugging it onto my arms before heading up to the surface. Sure enough, I saw Deacon's back to me, calmly looking over the icy waters. He'd catch a cold being up here. I watched him for a while, digging the toe of his shoe into the sand and kicking small piles over gently. I walked up to him quietly, standing next to him. He looked to me, then back to the view, throwing his cigar into the sand and covering it up.

I moved closer to him, putting my hand in his pocket to interface our fingers. He looked to me again, "What do you want?"

I sighed, putting my cheek on his shoulder, "I'm sorry for being an asshole, Deacon. I didn't know you were being worked so hard." I looked to him, kissing his jaw, "Why didn't you tell me? I wouldn't have minded... helping you out with different things."

He sighed, a plume of his breath showing in the frozen air near his red-tipped nose, "I know. I just wanted you to be safe, and what out job is... just isn't..."

I hugged his arm, slowly turning him around to walk back inside, "Well, from now on I'll help you out with things, alright? I didn't know that's what was wrong. As for this whole one-month thing..."

He looked to me as he held the door open for me, "Why don't you just come with me?"

"My thoughts exactly, dear."

Earning odd glances, we entered his room again as though nothing had happened. He sat on the bed, pulling me over him, "Now how about we pick up where we left off?"

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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