Deacon ➵ Puns

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Fallout 4
Warning: Cursing, Alcohol

Deacon hopped over the body of a Gunner, tripping over his untied laces

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Deacon hopped over the body of a Gunner, tripping over his untied laces. He looked up to me, "I guess you could say I fell for you."

"And I guess you could say I can't stand you."

He shot me a smile and finger guns, "I see what you did there."

I rolled my eyes, laughing, "Get up you big dork. We have things to do."

"Right! Things to meet and people to do!" He paused, "Oh wait-"

I put a hand on his chest, and pushed him against the wall alongside me. Mutants right around the corner. I pointed to a nearby building, and he got the idea. He lay on his stomach alongside me, and we army crawled behind a car, and into the building. I sighed, and turned around, rising to my feet. I shut the door behind us, making eye contact with a mutant. He was holding a Fat Man, and pulled the trigger, "Oh sh-" I grabbed Deacon and tackled him behind the counter. A thundering noise came from above and behind. Once it all got quiet, I got back to my feet, and held out a hand for Deacon. He hopped up, a stupid smile on his face, "If a portable nuke is all it takes to have you on top of me, so be it."

I rolled my eyes with a smile, "Oh, hush." I turned on the light from my Pip-Boy, and went to the entrance. The glass door and windows had shattered, crumbled rock taking its place. I looked around, and found a few lanterns. This place must have been a camp at some point. I held out a hand, "Deacon. Lighter."

He slid his hand in mine, interlacing our fingers, "Who needs a lighter? We have enough of a spark."

I laughed, "Shut up, you smooth fucker. Where's your lighter?"

"Sheesh, alright. Here."

He tossed me a dirty red lighter, and I set up the lanterns around the store as Deacon walked around. He poked his head out from behind an aisle, "You Pre-War fools were living it up."

I kept my eyes on the camp in front of me. Enough food and drink for a while. Sleeping bags. Nice little fortification. Deacon returned, arms full of fine wine and expensive alcohol. I sighed, "No, Deacon. We need to stay sharp."

"Oh yeah, takes a lot of sobriety to make sure rocks don't move. C'mon, boss, let loose. Relax."

He set the bottles on the table, and I sighed, picking up a bottle of Syrah. I popped it open, and took a swig. Deacon let out a whistle, "That's the spirit!"

An hour and Deacon downing several shots later, the mood shifted entirely. I sat with my back propped up against the wall. Deacon had his chest on my thighs, laying across my lap. My legs went numb a while ago, but I hadn't the heart to tell the softie to move. He sobbed, "I love you so much, boss. You're like- You're the best thing I've got, you know that?"

I nodded, "That's the seventh time you told me that tonight." I held the glass of red wine in my hand, setting it to the side when I realized that even though Shaun was grown, I had another baby to take care of. I lay my palm on his back, as it racked with sobs. He rolled over my knees, making me wince, now on my calves, he was on his back, "You're such, a good person, boss. My friend Y/N would love you. Do you know how great they are?"

I grinned. Why not use this to my advantage? "How great?"

"Soooooo great. Like, imagine the greatest thing you've ever seen, and just multiply it by a unicorn and a half or something."

I pulled his arm, making him switch positions. He lay between my legs, with his arms looped around me and his head on my stomach comfortably. I played with his hair, "And how do you feel about Y/N?" Speaking in third person made my insides twing. It was weird.

He giggled, snuggling up to me, "I feel like I can take on the world with Y/N at my side. I wanna marry 'em, but what if... Nah, no one in the Commonwealth certifies marraige." He giggle drunkly, "That's silly."

I smiled, "You're silly. Now go to bed and start getting ready for your hangover, alright?"

He looked up at me, "Can I stay here?"

"Not much of an option."

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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