Joshua Graham ➵ Awake

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Joshua Graham
Fallout New Vegas
Warning: Cursing

I woke up in a soft bed, with Joshua and Daniel on either side of me

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I woke up in a soft bed, with Joshua and Daniel on either side of me. They seemed to be in a heated argument, but quickly hushed once I came to. Waking Cloud entered the room with her hands full of different herbs for medicine. I attempted to sit up, but Joshua and Daniel quickly put me down. I was exhausted. I slapped a hand on my forehead and winced. I looked to Waking Cloud, "What happened? Where's all my stuff?" I patted my stomach and my hip, searching for my holster, "Where the hell is my armor? And my guns?"

Waking Cloud sat down next to Daniel and began treating a cut on my leg with some liquid. I kicked it away, spilling it on the dirt floor. "Don't give me any of your damn medicine! Tell me what happened! Where is my stuff?"

She sighed a little, "On our way back, we were ambushed by a large group of White Legs. You alone took out maybe ten before I had to grab you and make a hasty escape. I had to get Joshua to take your armor off so I could properly treat you. Your belongings are in my tent. "

I grumbled a little and looked to Daniel, "This is all your fault. If you just had the damn courage to stay here and fight, I wouldn't even be in this situation."

Waking Cloud hushed me and tried again to come to my aid. I grumbled, but allowed her this time, which made her smile a little. I looked at Joshua, expecting him to scold me for yelling at his friend, but he simply took some of the medicine and began cleaning the gash on my face. Daniel kept his hands folded in his lap. I asked him to grab me some water, and he left the room silently. I looked to Waking Cloud, and put a dirty hand on her arm. I smiled.

"Waking Cloud, you've been one hell of a friend, and an even better partner. I suppose I should thank you for the fact that I'm alive. Could you go grab my bag for me, friend?"

She smiled warmly, "I will. But please let me check on your wounds first."

I complied, and asked her what I needed to do. Joshua held the medicine in his lap, giving her room to check me out. She looked at my head, and checked a gash on my leg, which she'd stitched up while I was out. She tapped my elbow, "Lift up your arms now." I lifted my arms up, wincing a little. She put her hands on the bottom of my ribcage. She looked to Joshua, "Mirror my movements if you would please."

Joshua put the medicine on a shelf, and put both of his hands opposite of Waking Clouds. His fingertips were rough and scarred compared to Waking Cloud's. She looked to me, "Tell if it hurts." I nodded. They both pushed down on my ribs slightly, Joshua being more careful than Waking Cloud. They slowly went up, until they were at my mid-torso. Joshua pushed down, and I recoiled, letting out a yelp. Waking Cloud sighed, "I knew something had snapped. Ok," she looked to me, "This will hurt but only for a short time."

I spoke through gritted teeth, "Just do whatever you gotta do, sis." Joshua took his hands from my injury, and fished in his pocket. He pulled out some bandages, pulled off a good amount, and tore it. He handed it to me, "Bite down on this."

I took the white solid carefully, and tore it in two, putting them on either side of my molars. Waking Cloud looked to him, "Ok, put your hands back on the spot." Joshua did so, not pushing down. Waking Cloud put her fingers in front of his, "I will count to three. One, two, three, four, five, six", and she suddenly rushed her fingers forward as Joshua pushed his down.

My eyes brimmed with tears as my rib snapped back into place. I breathed rapidly and my vision blurred from tears. Waking Cloud hurriedly pulled up my shirt to my upper torso, and quickly began putting medicine riddled bandages down, and taping them. My teary eyes went to Joshua. His eyes were closed in a slight frown. Waking Cloud pushed down and I yelped once again from the sudden pain. Joshua seemed to wince at my cry. Tears finally spilled from my eyes. Waking Cloud pulled my shirt back down.

Joshua's eyes met mine, and they seemed so full of pity I wanted to cry more. I took the bandages from my mouth, and threw them across the room. Waking Cloud looked at me, "You will have to stay put for long hours. Is here anything you need?"

"No... wait actually can you go get me some food? And my bag, if you please" I smiled falsely, blinking away the remaining tears as my rib throbbed.

As soon as she left, I let my smile disappear and looked to the only other person in the room. Joshua.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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