Deacon ➵ Truth or Dare

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Fallout 4
Warning: Cursing

Me and my boyfriend were sitting cross-legged on our bed, wearing fuzzy pants; me wearing a big shirt and him not wearing one at all

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Me and my boyfriend were sitting cross-legged on our bed, wearing fuzzy pants; me wearing a big shirt and him not wearing one at all. The blanket under us was soft, and a deep blue, one of his favorite colors. He sat in front of me, and we went back or forth with truth or dare questions. We had candles surrounding us. This was a casual date for the two of us.

Something was off, and after ten questions or dares, I realized he had not once picked truth. I didn't find it shocking.

I still sat cross-legged, but now, he lay on his back in front of me, his arms behind his head and his feet hanging off the end of the bed. His head was just next to my knee. I stared down at his waist and stomach, but got used to it after a second, poking his ribs every now and then to make him let out a single loud laugh before shooing my hand away.  I narrowed my eyes at him, "Deacon, why haven't you picked truth?"

He frowned a little, "Because the truth is something I can't tell. You know that." He saw the look on my face and stretched, his ribs showing for a second, "Fine, how about you can ask me three questions, and I'll give you answers. Honest."

"You have to give true answers. No loopholes. It's the game rules."

"...I know that."

"Well, okay... Now I don't know what to ask! I only get three?"


"Go grab some food while I think."

He groaned, and rolled off the bed, padding off to the kitchen. I heard him sliding around on his socks until I heard:

thud thud thud thud

"Ow, fuck!"

He must have slipped again. The other day he was sliding around the kitchen floor in his socks and went too fast because he remembered we had ice cream. He split his head on the floor.

I grabbed a sticky note pad and a pen, scribbling out some questions that I'd had on my mind for a while. He came back, having two bowls of dry cereal stacked up in one hand, and two water bottles in the other. Our food was limited until MacCready and Hancock came back after their one-week hunt. He sat down with his back against the wall and crossed his legs, putting the bowl in his lap, and glancing at the sticky note, "If you're gonna ask me to marry you, I'll say yes."

I giggled, "I already know that, so why would I ask? Okay, I'm gonna start now. Ready?"

He shrugged.

"Okay. Good. First question... will you ever get another facial surgery to make you look different?"

He thought for a second, tossing a small marshmallow in the air and catching it in his mouth, then throwing one at my face, "Well, it depends. If I settle down with you, then no... but if something happens and we're not together any more... I might."

"Hm. Okay. Next... Okay this one is sorta weird..."

"I like weird."

"I know you little freak; otherwise you wouldn't be with me. Are you ready...? Okay. So, uhm..." I felt a blush creep up onto my face, and it suddenly felt like someone was holding a heat lamp to the back of my neck. "How do you feel about... like... sex...?"

"I love you, I do, really; but you're gonna have to elaborate."

"God... uhm... okay, I can do that. How do you feel about our sex...? Is it alright? Should we do something different?"

He sat up straighter, as I seemed to have reminded him of something, "Oh, yeah! It's great! Fantastic, even! MacCready did mention this one thing that he and his spouse did with a mutfruit that I'd like to try."

I blushed, "Alright we're done talking about that now. Last question..." I sighed, putting the sticky note on the nightstand. I looked to Deacon, "You tell me. Tell me something that you feel like you need to say before our relationship becomes more serious."

His small smile went away, and he stared down at the food in his bowl, putting it aside like he wasn't hungry. I could tell he was uncomfortable and moved to sit next to him, kissing his shoulder comfortingly before he rested his head on mine. He swallowed thickly, "Alright, uhm... I've been meaning to tell you this for... a really long time, but never got around to it." 

He stayed quiet.

I stayed quiet.

He thought about his answer thouroughly before speaking slowly, his voice breaking, "I'm not able to... I can't..." he pulled away from me, cupping my chin and making me look at him. His eyes were watery, "I'm not... physically able to help you... produce children." My face faltered and he noticed, speaking rushed, "I have a dick and everything, and all my shit works, but for some reason, I just can't! With Barbara, I could have, but after that whole scenario, I swore I wouldn't have kids and I wouldn't love anyone else and now it's not true and god I've fucked up our whole life and I wish I could go back and change things and--"

He rambled on, but I kissed his cheek softly, hushing him. Deacon was on the verge of breaking down. I wiped a tear from his cheek, and smiled, "Hey, that's okay. We don't need kids to have a healthy relationship. There are plenty of parentless kids out there anyways."

He chuckled sadly, putting his head back on my shoulder, "Still... sorry for fucking up."

I laughed, "The only mistake you made was not telling me earlier. You've been wearing a condom each damn time; and now, that's gonna stop."

He just laughed before sighing, "You're great, you know that. I'm... happy you took the news so well."

"It'll be our secret. It's our business, and I won't say a word about it to anyone, alright?"

"Yeah... okay. I love you."

"I love you too you big 'ol child."

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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