Gob ➵ Bar Fight

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Fallout 3
Warning: Alcohol, Violence

A loud slap rattled everyone in the bar, silence overtaking the crowd

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A loud slap rattled everyone in the bar, silence overtaking the crowd. I immediately looked towards the noise, seeing Gob touch two fingers to his cheek and stare dumbly at the blood on them. I looked to the man who had delivered the slap. He had rings on his fingers, and I could smell the alcohol on him from four seats away. I rose to my feet, slamming my drink on the table. Gob looked to me worriedly, watching as I raised a fist and made rough contact with the man's jaw, making him go sprawling to the floor.

I was on him quicker than a moth on a lamp, delivering blow after blow until I was dragged off by my uncle, the owner of the bar. He pulled me off, and I watched as Nova dug the toe of her shoe into the guys ribs before calling Jericho over to get the guy out.

Blood spattered my knuckles, and I struggled against Moriarty's grasp. The man was eventually dragged out and I was released. Patrons began to whisper, and Moriarty shook his head in disappointment and went back to his pantry to do an item check. Nova looked to me and Gob, "You two can... take a break... if you want. I'll watch the bar."

Gob nodded, still in a haze. I grabbed a medical kit and followed him to a room, locking the door behind us. He sat in the bed, reaching up to touch his facial wound again. I swatted his hand away gently, sitting on the ground in front of him, "Don't touch it. You don't want to get an infection."


He put his hands in his lap, turning his head so I could clean his wound enough to put a bandage over it. It wasn't good, seeing as I wasn't super talented with medicine, but I thought it was decent. He took my hands into his, placing them on his thighs. I watched as he cleaned the man's blood off my knuckles. I cleared my throat, "What was that all about?"

Gob sighed, "The guy asked for free booze, and he was already drunk out of his mind. Moriarty'd have my head if I gave out anything for free, so I refused and then... you know..." He looked to me, "I've never seen you get in a fight like that... except that time that one guy tried to get Nova to go home with him by drugging her. Why did you wail on the guy like that?"

I sniffed uncomfortably, "Because he hurt you."

"That's it?"


"Oh. Well... please be more careful. If you get into another fight, Moriarty might kick you out of the bar." He chuckled, "And I'm not really sure what I'd do around here without you to cheer me up."

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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