Quinn ➵ Date

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Fallout 3
Warning: Light Cursing

Quinn Fallout 3Warning: Light Cursing

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My eyes danced to him again. My gaze was on repeat. I'd glance to my clipboard, then back to Quinn. Endlessly, I did so. He caught my gaze once, slipping me a small smile before going back into conversation with a girl in a dress. I felt my cheeks redden as I dived back into my work, listening to Ahzrukhal drop numbers so I could scribble them down.

I looked back to Quinn, zoning out again. Ahzrukhal noticed the sound of my pen stoping, and followed my gaze to Quinn. He smacked the back of my head, "Get your head out of your ass. I'm playin' you good money and all you have to do is write a few digits."


I went back to work, adding what I was told to add, and dividing what I was told to divide. After finishing, my boss took the information from my hand, seemed satisfied, and left to go talk to some Vault dweller about Charon. I put my elbows on the counter, admiring Quinn as he laughed with another patron. I tried to listen in, only catching the name 'Tulip' before hearing laughter again.

I wondered how long it would be before Quinn left again. He was a loner. A wanderer, of sorts. He said something, then stood up, walking over to me. He smiled kindly, "What's up smoothskin?"

I blushed, not expecting him to speak to me, "Not much, Quinn. What about you? See anything interesting lately?"

He nodded to Ahzrukhal's guest, lowering his voice, "There seems to be another smoothskin down here." He looked to me and I felt my heart skip a beat. He smiled, "You might have some competition."

I looked at the Vaultie, "Oh, hush, Quinn. He doesn't seem to know his left from his right."

He shrugged, "Seems like it." Quinn turned his attention back to me, "So, uh... are you doing anything tonight? Besides working, I mean."

I couldn't help but feel a smile take over my lips, "Uhm... Not that I know of. Why?"

He shifted, leaning forward a little farther over the bar with crossed arms, "Maybe we could do something. Like... I dunno maybe grab a bite to eat or a beer or... Anything, really."

I wrung my rag between my hands nervously, "Uhm... yeah, that sounds good. Great, I mean..." I looked over my shoulder at my boss, "I'll see if I can get off early." I then frowned and looked to him, "I thought you and Tulip were..."

He faked a gag, "God, no. I mean, I watch over her place, yeah, but... A relationship with her? Let's just say there's a long list of things I'd rather do."

I chuckled, "Is that so? Well, I guess a drink or five couldn't hurt."

He smiled happily, "Great. I'll be working for the most part, so whenever you get a chance, stop by Tulip's and I'll join you wherever we decide you go, alright?"

"Sounds good."

"Great." He leaned forward over the bar, pushing his lips to mine before going back to his friend.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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