Preston Garvey ➵ Deserved

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Preston Garvey
Fallout 4
Warning: Cursing, Argument

"So you're telling me that if I said a bad word, I would deserve to die?"

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"So you're telling me that if I said a bad word, I would deserve to die?"

"No Preston, that's not what I meant! You know what I'm trying to say! For fucks sake, you literally send me out to kill people!"

Me and my partner of four months were currently arguing over if everyone deserved a chance to live and fix themselves, or if some crimes were only reputable by death. He, of course, believed in rehabilitation.

I rolled my eyes, "My own son, Preston, deserved death! I'm not like Pickman, saying they deserve a slow, painful death, or anything crazy like that, but I'll be damned if I have mercy on a raider!"

He teared up slightly. He always did when verbally fighting someone he cared about. It was just the fact that he hated being in love with someone who didn't believe what he did, and that he felt like he couldn't express that without hurting my feelings. He sniffed a little, "I... send you out to kill people... I... Oh god I hired a mercenary without even knowing it..."

I gave him a quick kiss on the lips, "Don't think about it like that Preston. We're doing the right thing. The Minutemen have been doing this since the beginning, and can't you see it's making the Commonwealth a better place?"

Preston looked at the ground, then at me, "I don't want you helping settlements anymore."

This caught me off guard. Never had I ever expected to hear those words from anyone. Let alone the King of Settlement-Saving! I frowned, "Why not?"

"I don't want your conscience catching up with you. I'll send Deacon or Nick to take care of things. I want you to stay here with me."

I shook my head, "No way. Who would I be if I wasn't out making the world a better place? Please, Preston, it's no big deal."

"Why do you feel like you have to help them?"

I sighed, "Because it was my son that made this place a worse kind of hell than it already was. It's just my way of trying to pay them back for the hell my bloodline has made them put up with."

"So you're doing it out of your own guilt?"

"I guess... I never really thought about it that way until now." I rubbed my temples, "This is too much."

Preston's features immediately became riddled with guilt and he pulled me to sit on the bed, "Oh gosh. I'm sorry! Do you want to take a nap?"

I nodded. He understood me so well. He knew that food and sleep always calmed my nerves. He took his coat off and tossed it to me. I wrapped up in it, curling into a ball as he lay next to me, knowing damn well that he was my cure for everything.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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