Butch DeLoria ➵ Ocean Man

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Butch DeLoria
Fallout 3
Warning: Cursing

Butch DeLoriaFallout 3Warning: Cursing

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"Holy shit that was wild!"

I slapped my palm to Butch's, "Hell yeah it was! How's it feel, havin' a dead deathclaw under your belt?"

He puffed up his chest, "Lucky for you, I showed up just in time!"

It was true. He had saved me, though I'd never give him credit for it. I was stuck between the Deathclaw's foot, and the ground, right before Butch threw his blade square into the creatures left eye, then shot the right one. He pulled his knife out, looking to the lake next to us. He smiled at me, "You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"

I smiled, following him down to the shore, checking to make sure it was safe, and not irradiated before slipping off my armor and clothes until I was in my undergarments. Butch did the same next to me. I folded my clothes neatly, and he just threw his in a pile next to mine, setting the bloody blade on top. He waded in, and I did the same. It was pleasantly cool against the heat of midday, making me smile and immediately get in the water up to my neck. Butch did the same, winking at me before taking a breath and disappearing under the water.

I felt his arms snake around my thighs, and suddenly I was hoisted up into the air. I let out a shrieking giggle, tangling my fingers in his hair to keep balance. He slammed me back into the water, and when I rose to the surface, he had his fists in the air, giving me a nice glance at his tanned biceps. He cheered for himself, "Butch, one! Y/N, zero!"

I hopped onto his back, kicking the back of his knees and dunking him under the water. I mocked his cheering methods, chanting the new score. He splashed water at me, and I spit it back out at him before splashing him back. We messed around for an hour, maybe, before we had to take a break to catch our breath. He looked at me, joy and mischief in his eyes as his hair clung to his forehead and over his ears. He smiled at me, "I always knew I made you wet."

I immediately splashed him in the face, putting the whole routine in a happy repeat.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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