Charon ➵ Butterflies

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Fallout 3
Warning: None

"Charon, take a look at this one!"

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"Charon, take a look at this one!"

He came and peeked over my shoulder with ease, smiling a little at my enthusiasm.

Me and my partner had wandered upon a Pre-War museum! It was called 'Something Something Science!' I sorta forgot the title, but that's okay! We were walking around it, and for the most part, it was unaffected by the war! I pointed to an exhibit with these thing called 'butterflies' in frames.

I looked to my friend, looping my arm through his, "Can you believe these things were actually alive at one point? I mean, the podium said that they could actually fly! Do you think that's true?"

He shrugged.

I picked up a frame off the wall, examining it, "Maybe they were just so light, that they were just sort of caught up in the wind, like leaves."

He chuckled. A deep, resonating  sound that please me. He looked at the creature, "Sounds like us."

I smiled up at him, "You think so?" I looked back at the small frame before putting it in the side of my bag, "That makes sense. We are pretty flighty."

"Adventurous. I read a book once, and it said once a year, all of one type of butterfly flew down somewhere and stayed there."

"Sort of like a vacation. How long did they live for?"

He frowned, "I forgot. Though I think they died after laying eggs."

My smile disappeared, "Oh. They aren't like us, then, are they? Not in that sense."

He smiled, "Not in that sense."

I looked to him, "We do travel a lot, and with each other every time. So I guess we are a little similar to them. What if humans never really existed, and after the war, humans were derived from butterflies? That would explain our attitudes."

He shook his head, "No. Humans and butterflies were around at the same time. Butterflies didn't make it out of the war." He looked to the walls, framed with them, "Not alive, anyways."

"Yeah, I guess. You're so smart, you know that? Pretty sure I'd be dead without you."

"Yeah, you would."

I smiled, "You're supposed to say 'Oh, no, darling, you're strong and independent, and fine without me'."

He pushed his lips to mine for a long time before pulling away and walking, "I don't think you'd be fine without me."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I know I wouldn't be fine without you."

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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