Joshua Graham ➵ Nighttime

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Joshua Graham
Fallout New Vegas
Warning: None

"What the hell is it you're trying to say? Just get to the point

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"What the hell is it you're trying to say? Just get to the point."

I was standing outside with Joshua, speaking in hushed tones because of the tribals sleeping behind us under the cool moon. He kept his eyes on the water thoughtfully before speaking, "I am saying that you should stay here. With me and the natives."

I smirked at him, "You could sooner divert a river from its course than deny my nature."

He looked at me, "You're mocking me."

I giggled, "Yes, I am. You are very mockable. Anyways, why do you need me to stay? I don't do anything around here besides relax and eat your food."

He frowned, "Incorrect. You do much many greater things than that. You helped us with the White Legs, and that debt can never be repayed."

"I already told you to stop worrying about repaying me. We're... friends. That's what friends do for each other." He blinked, and a look flashed over his face. A look I had yet to recognize. I shrugged my shoulders, putting a thumb through my beltloop, "Plus, why would I even have to stay, since the White Legs are defeated?"

"We might need your help."

I scoffed, "As if. You guys are all set Joshua. I feel like your hiding something from me. A man like yourself makes it easy to tell. You can speak with me openly, you know."

"I know. I am just... figuring out how to say this."

I gave him a second, staring calmly at the water, then craning my head back to look at the stars and moon. Joshua looked at me, examining my skin and neck and cheekbones and eyes. I caught him staring, and looked to him, meeting his eyes. He spoke very slowly, "My Lord said, 'There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has nothing to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.' Do you have a understanding of that?"

"Joshua, you know I can't analyze that unless I see it written. Elaborate for me."

"It means that one who holds fear in his heart, has no room for love. Recall when you told me you were fearless?"

"That's just a saying. No one is fearless."

"And yet my love for you is perfect."

I blushed profoundly at that statement. My mind...? Couldn't seem... to wrap around? The idea? I frowned slightly, trying to register what this man had just told me. I finally began to breath again, my face feeling so hot, I wished it was night before recalling that it was.

I swallowed thickly, "What are you... saying...?"

"I am saying I want you to stay here with me because I am so profoundly in love with you, that I cannot imagine my life without your light shining on it. I want you to stay here, with me, because of my own selfish, human will."

I stared at the ground, then to him, "Of course I'll stay with you, Joshua." I chuckled, "I just wish you'd told me how you felt sooner."

His bandages shifted slightly, and I figured he was smiling slightly. He took my hand in his, his charred, rough fingertips being a decent contrast to my clean, smooth ones.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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