Piper Wright ➵ Tolerance

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Piper Wright
Fallout 4
Warning: Cursing, Slightly Suggestive

Piper WrightFallout 4 Warning: Cursing, Slightly Suggestive

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"I can't stand you!"

I frowned, raising a hand effortlessly, "Did I ask?"

Piper held up a middle finger, "Fuck you!"

I did the same, "Well, fuck you too!"

I stormed out of Publik Occurances, and into the Bobrov brothers bar. I snapped, and Vadim handed me the usual. He sighed, "Another fight with News Girl down street?"

"Yeah... She just can't get it through her thick skull that I have places to be. She wants to come with me and 'help', but last time she did, it almost got us both killed!" I sighed, thankful for his listening ears, "What do you think? You think it's better for her to stay her with her sister, or come with me?"

He shrugged, the fur on his coat scuffing the stubble on his jaw, "Suppose so. I stay here with Yefim, that knucklehead. Nick stay with Ellie. Travis stay with radio. I think everyone stay with someone.. or something. Maybe News Girl is your someone to stick too."

I handed him the empty glass, "Maybe. I mean... I can't go back in there and talk to her... My pride can't have that... I mean, even if she is my Wonderglue or whatever, I can't risk her getting hurt."

The door opened behind me, and I turned to see Nat. She put her hands on her hips, "What the hell did you do to my sister?"

"Hey, language."

She tapped a foot in annoyance, "Answer me, please."

I put my hands on my knees, squatting to get on her level, "We just had a little fight. No big deal. Go home and get to bed."

"No big deal? You made her cry, you big meanie!"

The only person to ever call me a 'big meanie', was this one raider so jacked up on Turbo he couldn't see straight. I pinched the bridge of my nose, "Nat, go help Travis with something. I'll go talk to your sister."

She did so. I bid Vadim farewell and trudged my way back to Piper's. She always apologized first and we'd make up and make out and get along fine for the next few months until she got hurt or lost or kidnapped or something. Then we'd fight. Then she'd apologize and we'd make up and make out and get along fine for the next few months. It was a constant cycle, but I guess it was time to break it. I grumbled, and knocked on her bedroom door. I heard a small voice telling me to come in. I did so slowly, closing the door behind me. Piper sat on her bed, squeezing her pillow. I cleared my throat, sitting at the foot of her bed. She sniffed quietly, and I sighed, "Look, Piper, I'm sorry. I just... Don't like you being out there with me, okay? I'd rather have MacCready or Hancock..."

She frowned, "Why? Do you not love me anymore?"

I chuckled sadly, "God, of course I love you. That's why I'd rather have MacCready or Hancock out there with me. I don't care about them like I care about you, and God I care about you. Look, I've made a mess of things, and I wanted to apologize for yelling at you, alright?"

"Okay..." She smiled slightly, "Fuck you."

I grinned as we fell back into routine, though this time, I could prevent fights from happening. "You want to?"

She frowned, looking away. She nodded slowly, "Yeah..."

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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