Author's Note

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Here we are. 200 parts, and more support than I could have ever imagined. You guys have brought light into my life, and I've often found myself smiling at the comments you all leave. I am notified of every comment, vote, and message I receive, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

You all mean the absolute world to me, and whether I make a second Fallout X Reader One Shots book, is completely up to you guys. If you would like so, I will do it with a smile, but if you think I'm down on my ride, then I will accept that as well.

Writing this story has been extremely fun, and all the support I receive has made it so much better. Keep in mind that I love you all, and that I truly hope you all enjoyed my work.

Update: The next book is out!! Go leave requests!!

Fallout X Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now