Nick Valentine ➵ Cold

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Nick Valentine
Fallout 4
Warning: None

"Remember when I had to save you from that cheap mafia dude?"

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"Remember when I had to save you from that cheap mafia dude?"

"You're never gonna let me live that down, are you?"

I chuckled, "No way, no day." We sat in a comfortable silence, and my mind wandered, "You realize we're the same age?"

He gave me a sideways glance, "Well... I guess you're technically right. What a sight we are, huh? A synth and a two-hundred year old human." He smiled, "Though I guess you don't look like you're that old, unlike me."

Ellie poked her head outside, "Do you guys want anything to drink?" Nick cleared his throat and looked back out over Diamond City. She chuckled, "You're such a drama queen. I'll grab you some coolant. What about you, Y/N?"

"A hot chocolate wouldn't hurt. And a blanket if you don't mind."

She went back inside. At the moment, we were sitting on the roof of Valentine's Detective Agency, talking about anything and everything as Christmas lights flickered below. I smiled, "So, Nick... Anything you want for Christmas?"

He shook his head, "I don't get the point of Christmas."


He shrugged a shoulder, "I mean, if you think about it, everyday is Christmas for Raiders... and I just don't see a point in it."

I sighed, "You're such a Debbie-Downer. Seriously though, me and Vadim are going shopping later, so if you want something, you better tell me now."

"Why Vadim?"

"He's absolutely insane when it comes to Christmas. He's getting Yefim a really expensive coat, and Travis a new neon sign for the outside of his trailer. I'm going with him to grab something for everyone in the gang."

"Get Danse a muzzle."

I laughed, "I'll tell him it's from you. What should I get Piper?"

"She was complaining about needing new ink. Maybe a new color. Red wouldn't hurt. She likes that, right?"

"I'll say it's from both of us. What about MacCready?"

"I saw a new sniper Arturo made specifically for shooting people with salt. Hurts like a b-"

"Okay, okay. What about Hancock?"

"A gift basket of chems."


"A Nikola Tesla book."

"What should I get Deacon?"

"A new outfit."


"A punching bag."


"Just help a settlement or two and he'll be fine."

"What about Sturges?"

"He said something along the lines of-" He did an thick, awful accent, "I need me a new wrench!"

I laughed, and, lacing my voice with sarcasm, asked, "And what should I give our lord and savior, the almighty Mister Nick Valentine?"




I smiled, "That's the cutest thing I think I've ever heard. I'll give you all the love I have, if you'll let me."

He chuckled. The door opened again, and Ellie came out with our refreshments. She handed Nick something blue, and handed me my hot chocolate. She put the blanket on the couch between us, and once she left, I wrapped it around me. I looked to Nick, "You sure you're not cold?"

He smiled, putting his cup on the grind, "Positive. Hot and cold don't bother me."

I smirked, "Good thing, too."


"Because if hot things bothered you, you couldn't hang out with me."

I snapped for myself, and he shook his head with a small smile, "You're a knucklehead."

"But I'm your knucklehead."

"Yeah, I guess you are."

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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