Porter Gage ➵ Care

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Porter Gage
Fallout 4
Warning: Cursing, Yelling

Porter GageFallout 4 Warning: Cursing, Yelling

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"It's not that big of a deal, Gage. Why are you getting your panties all bunched up over this?"

"Because, Y/N, you could have died, and for what?"

Me and Gage were having an argument. I knew it was a serious one because he actually said my name, instead of calling me boss. He only said my name in arguments, and in bed.

Our current 'disagreement', was over the fact that his stupid ass got into a bad dealing with Nisha, and then got choloroformed and thrown into a cell in the back room so he could starve to death. It had only been one night, so he wasn't in rough shape, but no sleep seemed to take its toll on him. I had gone in, knowing of what happened between him and Nisha, knowing that she would want blood. She always did. I walked in, and tore her helmet off, holding a gun to her head and threatening to kill her if she didn't hand over my stupid ass Raider boyfriend.

She did so after some... persuasion... but I walked out of there with Gage's arm through mine. I knew he was mad that I'd helped him the moment he saw me with the keys to his cage. He wasn't upset about being rescued, but the way he saw it, I put my life on the line, when I really hadn't.

He went on, "You might be all fine and dandy now, but you know Nisha! She'll come after you eventually."

I scoffed, "Sorry, but who was it out of both of us that got chloroformed? Because I don't think it was me."

He flushed with anger, gripping the back of the couch with white knuckles, speaking through a clenched jaw, "I already told you, they got me on my blind side."

I continued pacing, "The only person I should fear 'coming after me', is really just you. Nisha didn't do anything to get rid of Colter. That was all you, Gage. You betrayed him because you're a power hungry little bitch, and you might do the same to me behind my back!"

He frowned at me from his spot, standing with his torso leaned against the top of the couch, arms crossed, "You know damn well they all wanted to get rid of Colter. They didn't think it was possible, so I was the only one with the balls to actually do shit! Sure, I had the master plan, but we all hated Colter anyways!"

"That doesn't matter Gage! What matters is that you betrayed him! You turned your back on a man that thought he could trust you, and had him killed! And to make matters worse, you made me do it for you, because you knew that you couldn't!"

"That's just bein' smart, because what if I tried and failed? Then I'd be dead! But with you, I didn't even know who you were back then, so if you died, you'd be like everyone else from the gauntlet!"

I sighed heavily, sitting down on a chair at the counter to think. I massaged my temples, hearing Gage released a similar sigh, before walking over to me and placing a hand on my back, "We got a little off topic. Look, boss, I just don't want you riskin' your neck for an asshole like me, okay? Especially when someone like Nisha is involved."

I leaned back, letting him wrap his arms around me and push his lips to my forehead, "Let's make a deal, Gage. How about this: If you don't get kidnapped, then I won't come save you. Alright?"

He didn't even seem to think about it before shaking my hand on it firmly. That's okay. He'd realize his error later. He kissed me sweetly, "You know, you're pretty hot when you're angry, boss."

I chuckled, "That funny. I was thinking the same about you."

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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