Robert MacCready ➵ Self Harm

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Robert MacCready
Fallout 4
Warning: Self Harm, Slight Gore

Robert MacCreadyFallout 4Warning: Self Harm, Slight Gore

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I frowned, "Jesus... Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's not a big deal."

"I can't believe this... You said it was from when you were little..."

"Yeah, I lied, alright? Guess I've been hanging around Deacon, too long, huh?"

I held his hands in mine, examining his scarred knuckles. Blood gushed from an open wound on both fists. I cleaned them, speaking as I did so, "How long...?"


"How long have you been doing this?"

"As long as I can remember..."

"MacCready, punching things until you bleed doesn't change anything. I'm pretty sure it's a form of self-harm."

He shrugged a shoulder, "Half the time I don't even know what I'm doing. I just sort of black out and when I come to, my hands are just... like this." He pulled his hands from my grasp, "It doesn't hurt. It's no big deal."

I frowned, snatching his fists back, and wrapping them in bandages. "Well, I don't want to put a wedding ring on a bloody finger, okay?" He looked away and I sighed, "MacCready, promise me you'll stop."

"Well I don't see the point in-"

"Robert. Joseph. MacCready. Promise me right now, or I swear to god."

"Fine, whatever. I swear."

"On your son's life?"

He gulped, thinking for a moment, "Sure... On Duncan's life..."

I stood up, "Good. Now... show me where you do it. Please." He stood up as well, taking my hand in his and exiting the house. He walked for a while before stopping at a tree. He led me behind it, and I nearly fainted. A good portion of the tree was stained deep red and still glistening from its most recent beat down. I released MacCready's hand, and took a step forward. I gently put my fingers on it, then looked at my fingertips. Bright red. I looked to MacCready. He shoved his bandaged knuckles deep into his pockets, looking at the ground in shame. I rubbed the blood off on my pants, and stood in front of him. His sad eyes met mine, "I'm... sorry."

I held out my arms, and he looked to me, before stepping into my grasp in defeat. I encased him in my arms tightly, and he hugged back after a second. I pulled away, holding his upper arms gently, "I love you, okay? Remember that next time you get upset."

He smiled sweetly, "Okay. I love you too."

"Damn right you do, you big dork. Wanna go to Hubris Comic's with me? I gotta grab something for Hancock."

"You bet your sweet ass I do!"

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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