Arthur Maxson ➵ Childbirth

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Arthur Maxson
Fallout 4
Warning: Birth, Cursing

He paced back and forth nervously, practically drilling a hole in his metal floor as he stood outside the hospital room

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He paced back and forth nervously, practically drilling a hole in his metal floor as he stood outside the hospital room. His wife of four years was currently doing her best to deliver a child, and the screams and pained noises coming from the room tore at his heart. He so desperately wanted to enter, and tell me things would be okay and that it would all work out.

But he couldn't. He knew he'd get in trouble. The doctor, as I guessed, had overdosed me on anesthetic, so I was out cold, unable to push the life inside of me, and not being a good help, all limp and noodley. I woke up way after the procedure, and the doctor said that my child was fine, but that I'd lost a little too much blood. He said that he could fix it though, and I didn't worry about it too much.

A few minutes later, Arthur came into the room frantically. Boy... he was out of it. His hair was a disheveled mess, most likely from his habit of tugging on it when nervous. His eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep, and his muscles were completely tense with wracked up worry. He immediately yanked a chair up to the bed, and took my hand, clasping it in both of his and kissing it gratefully, "Did- Did everything go okay?"

The doctor looked to me, and I shooed him out, wanting a moment alone with my husband, "Yes. They said I bled a little too much, but they also said that it's easy to fix up."

"And... our boy?"

Hearing those words made me melt. We did it. We really had a son. I nodded, tears in my eyes and smile on my face, "He's okay."

He released a breath that he seemed to be holding for too long, resting his forehead on our held hands, and catching his breath slightly. He then looked to you, "Does it... Are you still hurting? Do you need water or anything?"

I leaned my head back on the bed, "Water sounds amazing. I'm a little sore, but the doctor said that's normal."

He immediately stood up to meet my command, and soon sat back down, handing me a bottle of water, which I dutifully drank. The door opened, and his head immediately whipped to the direction with high hopes. Sure enough, a Scribe-like nurse came in, a bundle of blankets in her arms. I nearly sobbed as she handed my son to me. I, of course, didn't burst out into tears, in fear that any loud noise might frighten him. I bounced him lightly in my arms, quietly bouncing him and admiring every part of him. His hair, already visible, was a deep, dark brown. His lips were all his fathers, and only time would decide his personality. Maybe he'll be the next Elder.

I looked to Arthur with a happy smile, but his eyes were caught on our son, and he sent everyone else out so he could enjoy the moment. He looked to me, "May I...?"

I chuckled, carefully handing our boy over, "You don't have to ask for permission. He's your son, too."

He held the boy in his arms and stood up, walking around slowly and bouncing him to calm his nerves. I heard him whispering different things to himself, like, "Gorgeous just like his mother." And other heart-warming things. He was so in love with his child, and it was so apparent by his attitude and his eyes.

There was a quiet knock on the door before it opened, and I watched as Danse, in jeans and a hoodie, entered. He came to the bedside, smiling and getting me another water bottle, speaking low, "Congratulations, ma'am."

I chuckled, thanking him, and watching as he walked over to Arthur, who immediately told Danse to 'shut his pie hole before he woke the kid up'. I watched in joy. These two men, killers on the battlefield and the fiends of tactics. Muscled to death and riddled with beards. I watched as they lost their shit over a baby. It was redeeming to see, and made me think that maybe the world wasn't so bad after all. Danse came back over to me, sitting in Arthur's old seat. He handed me some papers on a clipboard, "If you don't mind my asking... What's his name?"

I stared at the birth certificate. Me and Arthur spoke for ages about this, and finally came to a conclusion just the night before. I scribbled the name down in messy handwriting:

Jonathon Jeremy Maxson

Jonathon was Arthur's father's name. And I knew damn well how much Arthur came to respect his father. Jeremy was a cousin of his, who perished on the battlefield to save his entire squadron. Basically his hero.

As soon as I wrote it, Arthur came to peek over my shoulder. I scoffed, "What? Thought I'd write something else?"

"To be fair, you joked about naming our son Dick Assface Maxson."

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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