Codsworth ➵ Learning

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Fallout 4
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CodsworthFallout 4Warning: None

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"No, that's not... No I said take the safety off the... no I didn't mean take it!"

I took the gun from Codworth's hands and he sighed, "I don't think I was equipped to handle such weaponry. I'm not a huge fan of violence either."

"I know but I want you to be able to defend yourself if something happens or if our home is attacked."

He shrugged, standing up and walking to the fridge, "You seem upset. I'll make you some eggs."

I smiled a little, thanking him and sitting on a barstool at a part of our counter, "So, how have you been handeling your emotions so far? Recognize any of them yet?"

He cracked an egg, and I listened as it fried. He spoke unsurely, "I... do not know. I do understand grief, I think. And when you're gone hunting I feel scared but not for myself..."

"That's just you being worried. That's normal. What else?"

"Well, when you laughed at a joke that kind man, Sturges, said, I sort of... felt something. Like anger, but... not anger."

"Jealousy?" He nodded and I stood up, giving him a kiss on the cheek, "That'll go away with time. Just whenever you realize that I love you and only you, got it?"

He sighed, "I hope so. I don't like that feeling very much. Also whenever I'm around the smaller MacCready, I feel a type of love, but not like the love I have for you."

"Oh, yeah, that's just some sort of parental instinct I think. Like, do you see him as family or what?"

"I see everyone around here as 'family'. They're all so polite around me!"

I chuckled, "You're too sweet. But that... hold on. So you have a parental love for Duncan... what type of love do you have for me?"

He blushed, looking away, "That was also something I wished to speak of with you, but for some reason, my mind and gut would not allow me to bring it up. What is it?"

"Explain it."

"Well, I feel like I just want to be by your side forever. And I don't like when you are gone."

"Is it just genuine love? Like not parental or instinct or protective, but just... love?"

"I believe so... I am not sure. I will speak to Curie about the glitch in my programming."

"It's not a glitch, Codsworth. Love is another emotion, and the fact that you feel it for me? Hell, I love you too you smartass bag of hammers."

"I am not a bag of hammers I am a synth."

"I know, you dope. You're as smart as a bag of hammers, though."

"Actually, I-"

I kissed him, shutting him up before walking off. Welp. Did my work for the day.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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