Codsworth ➵ Health

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Fallout 4
Warning: Suggestive, Cursing

CodsworthFallout 4Warning: Suggestive, Cursing

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"I don't understand. Why do you humans do this?"

"Because it's healthy."

I was still trying to get Codsworth used to his new body. He was asking why humans drank water. You'd have thought a smart guy like himself would have known this already, but nope. I tried to get him to walk way to soon, and he just locked his knees and faceplanted without catching himself. Hancock and MacCready crammed him full of booze on his third day, and you can only imagine the man's hangover. Nick seems to be the only one to be helpful, for obvious reasons. Deacon walked in and I closed my eyes. Dear god please don't say anything stupid, Deacon.

"Still giving 'human' lessons? Did you teach him about the master of bating yet?"

I face palmed, blushing and shoving the man out before pinching the bridge of my nose. Codsworth frowned, "Who is this Master of Bating? Do I have to know him?"

I sighed, "Yes." I really didn't want to have to go through with this. I opened the door, telling Codsworth to stay put. I found Nick, explaining what happened, and he let out a sigh and then a chuckle. He decided to help out, but made me promise to stay with him and not walk out and make Codsworth nervous. With much disapproval, I agreed. I sat in a chair placed in the corner, face growing ever more red. Nick sat behind me, "Alright, buddy. You're gonna have to listen to me, because no one is gonna help you out with this, okay?"


"Alright. Gosh, I thought this was easier." Nick looked to me, "I know you never had a chance to give anyone 'The Talk', so why not give it now?"

"No. You already said you'd do it."

He sighed, turning back to our friend, "Alright. So, sometimes you're gonna need to... do things... with the thing between your legs, got it?"

"My genitals?"

Nick sputtered a laugh, "Yes. You're gonna have certain... desires, okay? And you're gonna need to fulfill those desires, for pleasure, and for health. You following?"

"Yes. But what do I do?"

Nick held up a hand, showing him the motion. I sputtered a laugh and turns it into a cough after he glared at me. I giggled again, standing up, "Don't mind me, I'm gonna step out to recollect myself."

I walked out, pinching Deacon's ear and dragging him to window. He lost it when Nick did the hand motion again. God, it was hilarious. I slapped Deacon's arm, "He was so innocent! Look what you've done!"

He laughed evilly, "My creation!"

I rolled my eyes, hearing Codsworth, "Y/N! Come here!"

Nerves wracked, I entered the room, seeing him smiling, "I know how to meet Master of Bating." Nick told him what it was called, and he tried again. "Sorry. I learned how to do the masturbating!"

I blushed heavily, laughing uncontrollably. Nick did the same, even wiping a nonexistent tear and slapping his knee overdramatically. God, Codsworth was so innocent. Damn Deacon.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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