Zeke ➵ Rad

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Fallout 4
Warning: Cursing, Light Fluff

ZekeFallout 4Warning: Cursing, Light Fluff

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"Hot damn, Zeke! Now this is rad!"

"I know right! You're gonna love it here, baby!"

I put my hands in the pockets of a handmade leather jacket. A jacket that Zeke was willing to throw on my shoulders the moment after me helping them with a gunner issue. The others approved as well, and just this morning I was accepted and treated like family! They were all great, too. Especially Zeke.

He's absolutely hilarious, and good with Power Armor and whatnot. We talked for a little while about a common friend we had from Quincy and went through topics like a machine gun through ferals. We sat near Bluejays place inside of an old 1955 Chevy as the sun went down, talking about everything. I smiled, "So, like, how old are you?"

"Hey, we Cat's try not to ask such rude questions," he joked, "But I'll let you in on this one because I like you. I know I look like I was born yesterday with my absolutely flawless skin and groovy joints, but I'm actually 24."

I laughed, "That isn't even old!"

"You kiddin' me? Another year and my back'll blow out!"

I howled with laugher, making a small smile appear on his lips. He pulled his legs up to sit more comfortably in the drivers seat and I sighed, calming down, "So did you always want to be the leader of the coolest gang in the Commonwealth?"

He shook his head, taking off his sunglasses as the sun disappeared and tossed them onto the dash behind the steering wheel, "No, but it must have been fate or something because here we are!"

I chuckled quietly, "Oh, come on, Zeke, what did you wanna be when you were little?"

He shrugged a shoulder, "To be honest, I kinda dug the thought of bein' a Minuteman, but they're too... refined." He put a hand on his chest, "And so I founded the Atom Cats with the help of this cool cat named... What was his name? I dunno. You probably don't know him. He had hair like mine and a rad pair of shades. Just wore a plain white shirt and jeans. A real secretive type but hey, help is help, amiright...?" He paused, "What was I sayin' again?"

I turned and tucked my legs under me, facing him, "What you wanted to be, but you already answered it. I have a pal that's a main man in the Minutemen. He wanted to be one when he was a kid too. Tell me more about your childhood."

He shrugged, "Ain't much to say. My mom and dad were some pretty cool cats, I guess. Their minds were like the lights being on when no one's home, you know? Like Brahmin or somethin', I dunno."

"Did you have any siblings?"

"I got a younger brother that ran off as soon as that big floaty thing showed up. Left his Atom Cat jacket and said he was goin' to join some Brotherhood or somethin'..."

"Well... that's his loss. The Atom Cats are way better than those wet ends. I'd pick the Cats over the Brotherhood any day of the week!"

At this, he leaned over, put a hand on my jaw, and pushed his lips to mine passionately, leading up to a heated makeout session until Rowdy came and knocked on the window saying everyone was heading out and that we were to watch over the place for any remaining gunners trying to wise up. I pulled away blushing, and rolled the window down with a dumb smile telling her that it was fine. I looked back to Zeke who was staring numbly at the steering wheel. I turned towards him, reaching over and taking his hand, "Hey, Zeke. Look at me. Do you wanna go grab a bite to eat while we guard?"

He smiled, "Yeah. If I butter him up, Bluejay can cook us something before he tosses his hat in. C'mon."

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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