Yes Man ➵ Meanies

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Yes Man
Fallout New Vegas
Warning: Cursing

"Why do people have to be so darn mean to one another! Why can't they just get along and be friends!"

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"Why do people have to be so darn mean to one another! Why can't they just get along and be friends!"

Yes Man was currently on his knees, holding a dead fiend in his arms. I stared down at him, frowning slightly. This was his first kill, much thanks to me. I told him he could join me in the  Mojave, but that he would have to prove himself able to survive in case we got separated. He had yet to prove anything. He looked back at me, cheeks and nose tinged red from the sun and from passive frustration, "I didn't want to shoot her! We could have been pals... Why can't the world just get along?"

I sighed, kneeling next to him and pulling him away from the fiend and into a stride alongside me, "Look, this is just how the Mojave is. Like it or not. That girl was drugged out anyways. If you hadn't killed her, some NCR bastard would have. You did her a favor."

He frowned, holding my hand as he thought, "Have you ever wondered... why fiends take chems? Like, what sort of stress drove them to the point where drugs became their last resort?"

I sighed, looking at him, "You're too damn pure for this world, you know that? Fiends do drugs because of the benefits. A perfectly normal guy realizes that, 'Hey, if I take this drug, I can be so strong I can kill someone who has minigun with my good 'ol pool cue', and then fails to do so and dies. We aren't like that, hence why we're still... you know... breathing."

"I suppose. And why do you think they kill people?"

"Because they can. I don't know. But I do know, that they kill NCR because they don't like the law. Not sure why they kill Powder Gangers and passerby's though."

He sighed, staying quiet for a while, "I wish I didn't have to kill her..."

I squeezed his hand a little, "Hey, don't worry about it. Just remember it's better to kill a stranger than a friend." He gave me a look, and I knew I would have to elaborate for him, "Look... If you kill a close friend, you know whether they wanted to live or die... Either one is sad. If they wanted to die, why? If they didn't want to die, and you had to kill them, you're robbing them of their time on Earth."

Yes Man seemed to catch on, using contrary ideas, "But... if you kill a stranger, you spend you're whole life wondering if they had wanted to live or die... I think ignorance is worse than loss. At least with loss you can understand and learn from it."

I loved having these types of thoughtful discussions with him, and kept it going, "I guess they're both bad. One isn't worse than the other. Man... I never realized how simple I thought death was until being with you. I mean, if someone killed you, I don't know what I'd do."

He smiled, "Well, if someone killed you, I know you wouldn't really be dead, and you'd find your way back to me."

I smiled, "Damn right I would."

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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