Travis Miles ➵ Confidence Pt.1

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Travis Miles
Fallout 4
Warning: Sexual Implication

"Vadim, buddy, I love you, I do, but this is all a little over the top

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"Vadim, buddy, I love you, I do, but this is all a little over the top. Even for you."

"Yes. I know. But it will help dear old Travis!"

I'd known Travis for a while now, perhaps a month or two, and over that time I quickly learned that being a radio host wasn't exactly the job for him. The only way I'd met Travis was by hearing a barber talk badly about him. So I decided to check him out on my own. Travis was an absolute sweetheart. He was extremely shy and nervous, and Vadim made that seem like it was something to be ashamed of when it wasn't. I, thought it gave him personality; made him unique.

Vadim sighed, "I know it seem like crazy idea, but it work I tell you!"

Vadim was once again proposing that I be a confidence booster to our common friend. He had done so on numerous occasions, though, now, he wouldn't seem to take no for an answer. This time in particular, he wanted me to make my way towards Travis' house, and 'give him night to remember'. I eventually said I would, and made my way over to Travis' house. I knocked on the door, and he held it open. He rubbed his arm uncomfortably, "You... You know it's... a little too... uhm... cold to be outside this time of night..."

I smiled. I had no plans on seducing Travis, and simply came by to hang out with him, "Yeah, I know Travis. That's why I came to see you. You seem to warm me up." I stepped inside and he shut the door carefully. He let out a nervous laugh, before sitting down next to his radio desk. I sat on a old red couch at the other side of the small trailer. I looked around, "We should work on getting you a better place Travis."

He shook his head, his dark bangs nearly covering his deep eyes, "N-No... I think I'm... okay. Plus, I- I like it." He smiled and wrung his hands, "It's easy to keep clean. Plus... I don't think I have the caps to buy a bigger place... not here anyways..."

I raised my brows, "Do you not get paid?"

He shrugged a shoulder, "Not exactly. I mean... I- I have a place to stay and the Bobrov brothers provide me with food... You provide me with- with company... What more could I want?"

He seemed so sincere it tore at my heart. How had the world been so dulled with violence, yet allowed him to continue to shine with innocence? I sighed, "You're so sweet, Travis."

His ears reddened and he sank into the collar of his worn athlete's jacket, "I, uhm... uh... thanks?" He looked at me from under his bangs, "Thank you."

I smiled a little, "You're welcome."

We stayed in a silence for a while. For me, silence's were no longer awkward after spending a month's time with Travis. I don't know how he felt about it, but he never objected. He was too polite. Whenever we sat in silence, doing our own things-- that was when we truly bonded. I figured the way to build his confidence was not to stage a fight or a fake date, but rather to put my confidence in him.

I looked around his bleak home, "What would you say about painting this place?"

He pulled his legs under himself, clasping his ankles with his hands to sit the way he liked-- cross legged. His eyes scanned the walls carefully, "Won't... I mean... not to belittle your idea but... won't it rust?"

I shrugged a shoulder, already thinking of color schemes, "It would over time. We could just paint over it, don't you think?"

He moved his hair to the side, "Yeah... I think we could paint it... What color do you want?"

"It's your home, Travis, not mine. Paint it whatever color you like. I'll get the paint from Hardware Town and we'll get to it. Maybe we can even find you some posters or something. Some Christmas lights. Liven the place up."

He smiled a little, and that livened up the room more than any light could even imagine accomplishing. He blinked, eyes dancing to mine. He was quiet for a second before returning his eyes to his walls, "I think... I think I'd like that. Are you sure... uhm... I mean... Are you really going through all this trouble for me?"

I stood up, walking over to him. He planted his feet back on the ground, reddening and not meeting my gaze. I took his hands in mine, kneeling before him. His eyes moved everywhere else except on me, from the walls, to the radio, to the couch. I intertwined our fingers, "Travis. Look at me."

His eyes danced to mine a few times before he'd become nervous again and look elsewhere. He finally settled on my gaze. His eyes were gorgeous colors of Old-World things. Swirles of black coffee and creamer; storms and lightning; space and stars; all captured in this boy's eyes. He blinked a few times before I felt his muscles relax a bit. I finally decided to speak, and at the sound of my voice, he tensed up again, "Travis. I would go to each and every end of the Earth for you."

He took his hands from mine, cupping his cheeks and sinking into his collar in a heap of blush. I smiled, crossing my arms and putting them on his thighs, laying my head on them and looking up at him. His face held a cutely dumb smile and red cheeks and ears. His hands moved down his face to either side of his jawline. He looked to me nervously, "Do... Do you", he cleared his throat, "Do you... really mean that?"

I raised my brows, playing stupid, "Mean what?"

"That you would... Y'know..." He gushed back into his palms in a state of confusion and nervousness that overtook every other emotion of his being. He took his right hand away and fanned himself a little, "I think I'm going to pass out." I chuckled, taking his hands back into mine.

"I did mean it, Travis. I would go through hell if it meant staying by your side."

"The... The Commonwealth is as close to hell as you'll ever get."

I opened my mouth mockingly, scoffing, "Was that a joke? Are you bantering me, Travis Miles?"

His adorable face split into a grin, making mine do the same. His radio let out a low groaning noise and a whir, turning his attention away from me. I stood up, "What's happening?"

He blinked, pushing buttons and flipping switches, "She's just overheating." He giggled like a child, "I'm- I'm doing the same." A very visible blush stayed on his cheeks as I chuckled at him. He pointed somewhere behind him, "Hand... Please hand me that, uh, green vial over there. Wait, no... I meant blue... sorry."

I did so, and he poured it into a hole before sealing it. He patted a smooth area on his machine, "She pulls through. Like you. You're both... very- very good at that."

I smiled slightly, putting a hand on the door handle, "Hey, I better head home. Getting pretty late."

He stood up, taking the door handle. His fingers brushed mine as he opened the door for me, "W-Wait... Do you wanna... Do you think we could... Maybe..." His face reddened for the hundredth time tonight. He sunk into his collar.

"If you're asking me out Travis, yes. Tomorrow, 8 o'clock. Dugout Inn. I'll see you then."

I shoved my hands in my pockets as he nodded in a fluster. I walked down the three wooden steps, heading back to my house. I looked behind me at the closed door and the light pouring through the windows. I saw Travis' silhouette at work over his machine. I smiled to myself and walked on. I had a date.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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