Mason ➵ Caretaker

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Fallout 4
Warning: Cursing

I sat in a small shed in the back of our small territory

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I sat in a small shed in the back of our small territory. A little spot made just for me and my job. Being a member of the Pack, my job was to wash and brush the animals. I didn't mind, seeing as I loved all of them. The only issue was that I was the only one on the job, so it took longer, and by the time the week went by, I'd have to wash the same animal because they got so dirty. I sat on a small stool, brushing a large dog that belonged to a pal of mine. These animals were trained to be reckless, so I found it amusing that a small song could calm them down so easily.

I'd sing to them, loud or quiet. It didn't matter, seeing as nobody was ever around while I was working. Today I was feeling a more quiet tune. I sung softly, scratching the creatures ears as I rubbed the rough bristles down his back and sides. I finished and patted him, giving a sharp whistle. He understood and skipped out the door. I spun in my chair, adjusting the white fur armor on my shoulder and putting my equipment away. Still singing softly to myself, I stood up, grabbed some personal items, and turned to leave.

I saw Mason, the Pack Leader (or the Alpha Male, as we jokingly called him), leaning on the doorway. His broad shoulders nearly left no space. I nearly ran into his chest, and backed up a bit. I frowned slightly, "What's up, Mason?" I smirked at him, "Need a brush? Maybe a bar of soap?"

He raised his brows, "No. I actually came to talk to you. I've heard you singing. Have for the past week or so. Couldn't find out where it was coming from until today-"

I blushed, "If it's a 'disturbance to the peace' I can stop. No big deal."

I tried to squeeze past him, but he held up a muscular arm, blocking my way, "It ain't a disturbance or any of that. I just wanted to say... you're... a good singer. I guess..."

He kept his eyes on the wall behind me, and I smiled up at him, "Hey, thanks, Mason. Anything else? I got a room to clean when I get home."

"Uh, yeah, one more thing... actually... You and Gage aren't...?"

I laughed, leaning back a little, "Gage, that old dog! No, I'm not seeing anyone right now. Me and Gage are just pals. He's real good on a hunt."

Mason's eyes became thoughtful, and darted to mine, "I'm good on any sort of hunt, too, you know."

I chuckled, "I know. Why? You jealous?"

He shrugged a shoulder, following me as I slid past him and walked home, "So what if I am? I have a damn good reason to be."

I blushed as he held open my door for me, "Fine, I'll take you from now on. I didn't because certain people wouldn't approve of me stealing you away. Don't want to risk you dying."

Mason rolled his eyes, following me to my kitchen and hopping on the counter. He stood up, looking at the dust on the top and blowing a puff, "Man, don't worry about me dyin'. You can't kill a god."

"Get off my counter you hooligan. And if you say so. I'd like to take you."

He hopped down with a smile, thanked me, and walked out as though nothing had happened.
Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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