Sturges ➵ Oh, Babe!

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Fallout 4
Warning: Fluff, Cursing

"I know Zeke, it may have been a while ago, but I gotta find him

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"I know Zeke, it may have been a while ago, but I gotta find him."

"Awh, come on, sis, we need you around here!"

Me and my twat of an older brother were currently arguing over an old friend of mine. There was an incident, 'The Quincy Massacre', it was called, and Quincy was where that particular friend lived. I knew he made it out alive. I was positive. Dying just wasn't him.

Zeke sighed, "Look, Y/N, I know you had something for the guy, and Sturges was a hell of a man with a wrench, but I can't keep lettin' you go on with false hope and whatnot. Just leave it be."

I let out a quiet growl and went back to my workshop. He was alive, and I knew it. But where the hell would he have gone from Quincy? I got out a small map of surrounding areas, releasing an angry sigh. I looked at the different locations, and finally found one that seemed likely. Sanctuary. That place sounds safe, so maybe he went there? I wonder who else survived, if he had at all. I changed into Commonwealth-fit clothes, not wanting to dirty my Atom Cats jacket. I simply put it into my bag. It may have been two years since The Quincy Massacre, but it had still kept me awake at night.

I remember Sturges coming to the Atom Cats workshop and saying Mama Murphy had a vision. He asked us for help, and we were happy to be of assistance. Me and him, side by side, dragged an old suit of Power Armor back to his garage, and I helped him fix it up, but we couldn't get it running. I had to get home, and that night was when the Gunner's showed up. I was... hurt... when I heard about it, worried over my friend. We were friends for a year before that, and I was closer to him than anyone else. I made sure my flannel shirt was buttoned and that my jeans were fit for walking before sneaking out at sundown, and making my way to Sanctuary. It took a while... two days, to be exact... but I got there. I stood at a wooden makeshift gate, and was greeted by a Minuteman, who I recognized from Quincy.

I felt hope again.

He hopped from his stand, "Oh! Another settler! My name's Preston Garvey, Minuteman of Sanctuary. What can I help you with?"

I smiled kindly, "Water would be great. But... do you know anyone around here named Sturges?"

He warm smile filled his face, "Oh, yeah! Sturges is the greatest. Pretty much keeps this place running on his own. Why?"

With joy in my eyes, I explained everything to the man. He decided that I should surprise him, and honestly, why not? He showed me a place to put my stuff, and I did so. I doubt he'd recognize me without my Atom Cats attire on. Preston pointed towards where he said his friend was working, and I looked, seeing Sturges holding a wrench to the side of an old fridge, struggled to grasp a hammer he'd set too far away, and when succeeding, nearly tripped. I see not much has changed. I thanked Preston for his help and made my way towards my old friend.

I stood a good few feet away from him, hearing some Western tunes playing on his radio, and him calmly humming along. I leaned against a doorframe, watching him as he fixed a bolt on a door. I felt a small smile creep onto my lips, "Damn, Ponyboy, didn't think you were into this type of music."

I'd used an old nickname that I'd gifted him, and he immediately froze, dropping the wrench and putting a hand on the wall and leaning against it, his other hand going to his eyes. He turned around slowly, still covering his eyes, "If you're who I think you are, I swear to God..."

He removed his hand, and met my smiling face, a grin taking over his own. He immediately encased me in a hug, hoisting me up in his arms. He sat me down on a workbench, his large hands on the outsides of my thighs. I cupped his jaw, smiling. He spoke in rushed words, explaining how he wanted to come to the Atom Cats Garage, but that he and the rest of the survivors were being hunted by Gunners, and that would have been the first place they looked. I hushed him, "I was wanting to go out and look for you for so long, but Zeke wouldn't let me because it was dangerous, and I wanted to say so many things to you and I knew you weren't dead and I couldn't stand being-"

He cut me off by pushing his lips to mine, pulling my waist closer to his, and him looking up to kiss me from my spot on his workbench. He finally pulled away and yanked me into a tight hug, putting his face to my neck, and whispering stuff about how he thought he wasn't gonna be able to find me and whatnot, and I hugged him back, saying that I loved him, and that if I hadn't found him, I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself.

He pulled away, looking into my eyes with certainty, "I'm serious. I love you."

"I love you too, handsome."

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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