Benny Gecko ➵ Gig

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Benny Gecko
Fallout New Vegas
Warning: None

I smiled at my pal, "Yeah, Swank, this is a pretty sweet set up

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I smiled at my pal, "Yeah, Swank, this is a pretty sweet set up. Thanks for getting me a job."

"Ain't nothin', baby! That's what friends do."

I walked into the bar and theatre, looking around as patrons spoke before the place opened. Swank pointed to the man behind the bar, "That's a pal of mine. You need a quick buzz, go to him." He pointed to another guy, "That guy just sorta comes here a lot." He smiled dumbly, "Think he's got the hots for me." The guy he was talking about looked over, and gave a wave to Swank, who smiled and winked in return, making the guy blush and look away. I chuckled, "Alright, then. When do I go on?"

Swank shook his head, recollecting his thoughts, "In an hour, I think. Go on and get to know the other performers beforehand." He looked back to the guy, "I have better things to tend to."

I laughed at him as he walked off. I went behind stage, seeing the room they had already set up for me. It was nice. Had a whole bunch of bottled water for my throat for before and after singing. I grabbed one, sipping it a little and turning on the radio, humming to warm up my vocal cords. Swank said that I was going to sing that song 'Blue Moon'. I heard it's by a Pre-War guy named Frank Sinatra. I did some research, and appearently that guy was like, a legend or something. I sat around for a while, humming and massaging my throat and drinking water. There was a knock on he door and a voice saying I was up. I stood up, smoothing my outfit and checking my hair before going out and heading on stage.

There weren't very many people. There were maybe six guys at the bar, Swank and the guy he liked, and then there was another guy sitting at a table under the watchful eye of three bodyguards. He seemed to be the only one listening, which was more than fine by me.

The music came on, and I wrapped my fingers carefully around the microphone, allowing my melodic voice to fill the room. I watched as heads turned and the place went silent. I looked to my lifelong friend, and he gave a big smile and a thumbs up, telling the guy that he knew me. I continued to sing, and shockingly, I had gone through without any voice cracks! Guess I was just that good. I finished soon enough, and the place was full of clapping and whoops and whistles. I looked to the man in the corner. He seemed to be the only guy not clapping. Instead, he kept his eyes directly on mine.

He looked like he was trying to convey a message with his eyes. I frowned in confusion, and he simply smiled, sipping his beer and saying something to his guards. I bowed again, and went back to my room, quick to bust open a water and chug it down. I massaged my throat again before deciding to go out and sit with Swank. As soon as he saw me, he encased me in a hug, "You're where it's at, baby! You had this whole place ringin'!"

I chuckled as he put my feet back on the ground, "Wouldn't be possible without you, pal."

"I know!" He turned his head to the guy, then looked to me coyly. I waved a hand at him, "Oh, go on, you crazy kid."

"I'm older than you."


He smiled and went off. He said something in a low voice to the guy, and I watched with a grin as they both left the room with their hands in their pockets. Subtle. I sat down at a table, ordering a drink and waiting for the next performance. From the corner of my eye, I saw the man looking at me, but kept my eyes forward. To look would be to show I cared. He finally stood up, walking over to me. He sat directly in front of me, and my eyes fell to him graciously. He leaned forward on the table, beer in hand, "So. You a friend of Swank's?"

"What's it to you?"

He chuckled at my reaction, paying for my drink when it came, "Look here, babydoll, you got a real talent, you trackin'?"

I gave a nod.

"And it's a shame that a talented body like yourself, should be with a man like Swank."

I sputtered into my drink, coughing before letting out a pleasant laugh, "Oh, darling, you think I'm with Swank? Did you not see him leave to go have fun with that blonde fellow? Swank is simply an old friend, who hooked me up with a halfway decent gig."

He frowned, looking away, "From here, I'll assume you aren't with anyone, then?"

I winked, "I'm too good for everyone, babe."

He smiled, "Really? What say we grab a room and we'll see who's good."

I frowned, "I do not give myself away like that." I smiled suavely, "Buy me another drink. Then we'll talk."

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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