Preston Garvey ➵ Birthday

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Preston Garvey
Fallout 4
Warning: Smut

"It's the day before your birthday, General

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"It's the day before your birthday, General."

"Smart cookie. How'd you figure that out?"

Preston shrugged, "Sturges told me."

My brother. He would. The nerve on that guy. Tsk tsk tsk. I sighed, "Sibling's can't keep secrets for shit. And what did I tell you about calling me 'General'? You know my name. Why not use it? Do you not like it or something?"

"Oh, it's not like that, I promise! It's just that being with the Minutemen for so long, I'm used to having to call people by their ranks."

I smiled coyly, "Well, hot stuff, why don't you call me darling or dear or something?" He blushed, taking his hat off and pushing it to his chest, a subconscious sign to show he was exasperated. I smiled at his reaction, deciding I might as well push it, "It's the day before my birthday, Preston. Everyone will be giving me gifts tomorrow, but how about you give me one right now? In private."

He blushed further, his hand gripping his hat. I watched as he unstrapped his gun belt from his chest and set it on the couch, "Is... that what you want?"

I only chuckled, "So long as you don't mind, yeah."

He blushed further, thinking for a second before grabbing my hand and dragging me to the room. Holy shit I didn't think he'd actually follow through with this! I watched in slight awe as he did his best to be quiet locking the door. He spoke quietly, clearing the cracks from his voice, "Could you... turn on the lamp... please...?"

I did so, watching as he shut the blinds and then the closet door. He always hated having the closet door open no matter what. Whether he's sleeping with me or sleeping with me. I watched as he set his hat on the dresser and slowly untucked his scarf before rolling it up and putting it under the bridge of his hat. My eyes couldn't stay off of him as he shrugged his trench coat off and put it on the door handle, careful not to let it slide off. I sat on the bed, listening to the very quiet creak that seemed loud in the silent room.

I watched as he sat next to me, just in his pants and shirt, unsure about what to do. I finally stood up directly in front of him, slowly pulling my shirt over my head and allowing it to fall onto the bed. I leaned against the wall for balance, watching his every move as I worked my way out of my shoes and pants, leaving me in my underwear. He stared at my body before meeting my eyes, cheeks dark and eyes darker. I sat on his lap straddling him gently, and lightly squeezing his hips with my thighs as I put him back on the bed. He stared up at me, muttering quietly, "What did I ever do to deserve you?"

I couldn't muster words just yet, so I simply kissed him to tell him that I loved him as well. After a make-out session, and his hands working their magic on my rear, he eventually got a little fed up with the slow pace, and flipped us. I lay under him, watching his form as he reached at his shirt collar behind his head, and pulled his shirt off. He went back to me, bumping himself between my legs and letting out a quiet groan as he pushed his lips hungrily back to mine. It was always like this. He was really sweet and unsure at the start, but knew what I wanted. More importantly, he knew how to give it to me.

I wrapped my arms around him, trailing my fingers down his back and feeling him break out in goosebumps after a quick shudder. He had one hand planted on the bed for balance, and his other hand gripped the outside of my hip firmly, bringing my waist up, grinding against me, and getting both of us in a rhythm and at a pace that pleased both of us thouroughly. Once realizing I had the hang of it, he released my thigh and reached behind me. I arched my back and he slid my bra off my arms before getting my underwear to disappear quickly afterwards.

I tugged at the bottom of his boxers, and he pulled them down understandingly and kicked them off, nearly tripping over his excitement and inability to wait any longer for me. He soon was over me again, cupping my jaw with one hand and kissing me with less aggression and more passion as he entered me. I moaned between his soft lips, sighing a little from the pleasing sensation. He entered slowly, getting himself in completely before I moved my leg out farther for further pleasure.

He understood, and grabbed my thigh to help before pulling out and slamming back into me, making me moan loudly, especially after hearing him do the same. It went on, and he spread my legs to go further into me. I felt him release as he moaned my name uncontrollably, making me undoubtedly do the same. He pushed a final, condemning kiss to my lips before moving to lay next to me on top of the now filthy blanket. He caught his breath, "You're... You're amazing. You know that?"

I chuckled, "I do now."

He smiled, resting his hands behind his head, "Happy early birthday."

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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