Benny Gecko ➵ Surprise

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Benny Gecko
Fallout New Vegas
Warning: Pregnancy, Cursing

Benny GeckoFallout New VegasWarning: Pregnancy, Cursing

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"I'm sick."

"Yeah, you're pretty cool. If you weren't, we wouldn't be together, baby."

"No, Benny, I mean I'm sick. Like... seriously sick. I've been throwing up the past few days, and I can't seem to sleep well. I think we should go see a doctor."

He brightened up, "Maybe you're pregnant."

"I'm not pregnant, Benny. I think I would know. Plus, you've been wearing condoms."

He shrugged, "They don't always work."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, they only work 97% of the time." I held his hand softly, "Can we please go to a doctor? I think something is seriously wrong."

"Fine. We can go see those Follower people. You're friends with them, right? They won't try to stab me?"

"Yeah, I know a guy who knows Boone. You've remember Boone?"

"That sad guy?"

"That's the one. Now come on." He stood up from his spot at the end of the bed, where he'd sat to put his shoes on. I moved to sit behind him, "Can you give me a piggy back ride?"

"All the way there?"


"I can try."

I latched my legs around him, and put my hands on his shoulders so I wouldn't choke him. He stood up, and gripped the outside of my thighs, moving so I could open the door and close it, then push the elevator button. We told Swank where we were going, then left, getting plenty of strange looks. We got there, and I smiled, "Hey, Arcade."

He gave a small wave, "Y/N. Benny. What are you two here for?"

Benny looked to me and I chuckled, "I've been feeling under the weather lately and I don't know why."

Benny wandered off and Arcade thought for a second, "You might just have the stomach flu. It was big before the war, so I don't know how it's changed. We can get some medication from Julie if you want."

Benny came back over, holding something up, "I asked Julie for this Piss Stick, and she gave it to me. Go pee on it now."

I frowned, taking the pregnancy test from him, "Jesus, Benny, it's like you want me to be pregnant!"

Arcade cut in, "That wouldn't be shocking."

Benny ignored him, "Go try it anyways. If it's not, then we'll know for sure. It won't hurt to try, baby." I eventually agreed, and five minutes later, I felt like I was going to faint. I heard Benny's voice outside the tent, "You okay in there, babydoll?"

I cleared my throat, "Yeah... Uh... can you come in here? Alone?"

I heard him say something to Arcade before stepping in and closing the tent flap behind him. He pulled up a chair next to mine, and smiled widely, "So?"

"I'm not pregnant."

The hope in his eyes disintegrated and he suddenly looked heartbroken, "What?"

"I'm not pregnant."

"Could've sworn..."

I smiled, "I'm just fuckin' with you. Look." I put the test on the table and he picked it up slowly, the broad smile again on his face. He looked to me excitedly, "Can we keep it?"

I looked down to my stomach, tears in my eyes, "If you want to."

He scoffed, "Of course I want to!"

He looked back to the pregnancy test and I smiled, "You realize I've peed on that, right?"

He rolled his eyes, "Oh please, I had my tongue working down there just last week. I think this is fine." He stayed silent for a long time, "I can't believe this..." I chuckled at him, and he stood up, pushing his lips to mine and pocketing the test, "Can I go tell Swank?"

I waved him off, "Yeah, go tell your man crush that I'm having your kid."

He smiled, "I hope it's a girl." He left, and Arcade walked in, turning his head to follow Benny as he walked out. He looked back to me with a small smile, "Good news?" I nodded, and he let out a small sigh, "That's great! I've never seen Julie help someone give birth."


"Yeah. She's done it of course, probably a hundred times. I've just never seen her do it. I feel like it's disrespectful to stand in the corner with a clipboard while some lady is pretty much dying."

"That makes sense. What should we name her?"

"How do you know it's a her?"

"I just know."

"You should name her Benny."

I laughed loudly, "That's absolutely awful!"

He smiled, "How do you think Benny'll be with your kid?"

"It's his kid too, Arcade. And I don't know. I'm just glad he reacted so well. It's like he planned it or something. The moment I told him I wasn't feeling well, he said I might be pregnant."

"Has he been wearing condoms?"

"Yeah. Guess we're in the three percent of accidents. That's okay though. We're both happy about it."

Benny came racing back in, his hair tousled, "I... I ran all the way there, and back." He looked to Arcade, "Do... Do you guys have water around here?" Arcade left to go get some and Benny came over to me, kissing me again. I giggled and put a hand on his chest, pushing him away gently, "No, Benny! You're all sweaty!"

He held his arms out and encased me in a hug, making me squeal and try to wiggle away. He eventually released me and kissed me for the millionth time, "I love you."

"I love you too."

He looked down to my stomach, "And I love you, too."

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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