Scribe Haylen ➵ Sleep Around

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Scribe Haylen
Fallout 4
Warning: Very Suggestive

I picked at my nail, sitting at an old officers desk in Cambridge

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I picked at my nail, sitting at an old officers desk in Cambridge. I kicked my feet up on the desk. Danse came by and shoved them off, claiming that I could be damaging 'precious documents'. I rolled my eyes and he walked off. I looked to Haylen, "So... do you and Danse have, like, a thing going on?"

"What? Like an unspoken thing?" She let out a gorgeous laugh, "No way, no day."

I smiled. I couldn't help it. Since saving Cambridge, I took a liking to Haylen. No doubt about it. The entire team knew I had a thing for her, though I usually kept it on the downlow. I continued to casually pick at my nail, "So is he, like... not your type or...?"

"I mean, I don't really have a type. Guy, girl, black, white. All the same to me. A human is a human. Religion doesn't matter, but I'm so not hooking up with an Atom cultist or anything..."

I nodded sagely, "With the world being what it is, it's important to find someone that watches your back on the field instead of on the bed."

She nodded, "I completely agree. I know what happened to your spouse is... really tragic and all, but-"

"I'm going to stop you right there. Me and my spouse didn't want to get married. We were childhood friends, and our parents sort of forced it on us. I mean... it was just like losing a friend I guess."

"Well... why'd you guys have Shaun?"

"Everyone else in the neighborhood had a kid. We felt like we were obligated to."

"So... did you even love your spouse?"

"As a friend. Wasn't necessarily my type."

She stacked her papers up neatly, "Well, what is your type?"

I grinned coyly, giving her a seductive look, "You."

She blushed, "You should say things like that. It's not nice to play with people's feelings."

Ouch. I put my feet back up on the desk, "I'm not. I genuinely like you. That's rich, coming from me, though, right? Sort of have a reputation, thanks to Hancock's loud mouth."

She grinned, "To be fair, you slept with... do you want me to tell you all of them?"

"To be fair, I haven't had sex in two-hundred years." I grinned. There's no way she could name all of them, unless she really did her research. I cleared my throat, "You go right on ahead."

She began counting on her fingers, "Hancock, not shocking. Deacon, don't know how you pulled that one off. Cait, to release steam. Piper, good god you were probably drunk. Preston, you helped his settlement. Danse, you were shooting synths and things got heated afterwards. MacCready, you helped him find his son's cure. Nick, don't know how you pulled that one off either. Travis, you helped him be confident", she went on. I wanted to know how she knew the 'why' to it, but I forgot I told her everything and vice versa.

I zoned out after the fifteenth name. She stopped, finally, just as Danse entered the room, "Was my name called?"

She grinned, "Sure was. Tell me, how is Y/N in bed?"

Danse gave a curt nod to me, "Outstanding."

He left. I reddened, before going back to my cool composure, "What say we add your name to that list?"

"Don't get me wrong, I would love to. Really. I just... don't really give myself away like that."

"So, you think I would use you?" She didn't respond. I shrugged, "That's fair enough. Look, even if you just think I'm using you and stuff, I want to be in a relationship with you. We can go as slow or fast as you want. What do you say?"

"Are you asking me out?"


She blushed and chuckled nervously, "I mean, I'd love to go out with you sometime. We just have to tell Danse we're searching wherever we're going."

Danse poked his head in, "I heard that."

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to know that your two are a thing now. Goodbye."

"Goodbye, Danse."

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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