Follows-Chalk ➵ Family

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Fallout New Vegas
Warning: None

I stood knee deep in the water, not bothering to hold up my pants

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I stood knee deep in the water, not bothering to hold up my pants. I heard a swishing of water and looked over my shoulder at my friend. He smiled, looking down at my soaked calves. I smiled politely back. He looked around, taking off his hat and fanning himself with it, "Why do you stand in the waters so often?"

I shrugged, walking further into the pond, "Well, there isn't really water like this in the Mojave. There's that irradiated crap at the Dam, but pure water is hard to come by." I smiled at him a little, "Zion seems to be the holder of all things pure."

He smiled at me, following me deeper into the water, "Joshua would agree!"

I went even deeper, so that the water was at my collarbone. Follows-Chalk followed. That's what he seemed to have a talent for, anyways. I looked to him before skimming my fingers along the waters surface. Pausing, I frowned, "Unless I'm mistaken, I don't think I've met your parents."

He stayed quiet for a second, "Do you need to?"

I shrugged, "Well, we've been together for about three months now, and you haven't mentioned them at all. I just think it's about time I meet them." He stared into the water with eyes holding slight guilt. I shifted towards him, wrapping my arm around his and interlacing our submerged fingers, "Was there a reason you didn't mention them? Or why I haven't seen or met them?"

He shook his head nervously, "No. Forget about them! I have things that need attending. I will see you tonight."

And with that, he walked off, completely drenched but quickly drying in the hot sun. I watched as he walked to a group of men fighting, and went past them to a weapons bench. He quickly began working on a new type of tomahawk and I frowned, devising Joshua might be a decent source of information. I entered his cave, and sat next to him, "He won't talk to me about his family."


"Follows-Chalk. Why won't he talk to me about them? I asked about meeting them and he just sort of found an excuse to get away from me."

Joshua peered at his guns, "He has a family. They are, however, with our Lord above us."

I felt my heart squeeze and my stomach turn, "Pardon?"

"He had two parents and a younger sister. They were cut down by White Legs on their way to the Sorrows camp. The White Legs, of course, were hunted down and his family was avenged. He doesn't speak of it because I fear the trauma is still in his soul." His eyes shifted to me, "Speak to him about the matter. Tell him they are in a better place."

I wouldn't tell him that. No way. I would definitely speak to him, though. I exited the cave, looking around for my partner. Not seeing him, I decided to go to our tent. There he was, plucking a few strings he'd tied to a circular board as an awkward 'guitar'. He looked away from me, and I sat on the bed. I plucked his hat from his head and held it in my hands carefully, "I spoke with Joshua. About your family."

He immediately tensed up, "Then you know why I will not allow you to meet them."

I nodded, and he grabbed my hand and stood up, leading me outside. He led me to a Bighorner grounding area. We stopped, standing before three stones worn with age-old tribal paint. The names were outlandish, just as his was. Gripping his hand tighter, I rested my cheek on his shoulder. He sat down so fast I almost fell. I crossed my legs under myself. We sat in silence until sundown, and I started drifting to sleep until his voice woke me firmly, ever steady, "I miss them."

His voice cracked, warning me that he was on the verge of a breakdown. That was the worst thing to hear... The crack in someone's voice before they start sobbing. I quickly encased him in my arms, and he let the dam break loose, sobbing and shaking and quivering in my arms as though a drill were pushed to his nerves. I just held him. He sniffed, "I miss them so much."

God, what was I supposed to do in this situation?

I opened my mouth to try to muster out something, but he interrupted, wiping at his eyes with his thumbs, "I miss them. They have been gone for two years. I met you only six months back. You... help me cope. You remind me that good is still in the world, though Joshua would disagree."

It made me happy how he thought of Joshua as a sort of father figure, always eager for his approval.

His gorgeous eyes met mine, "You are not my family, but... I think I would like you to be..."

I blushed with a wild smile on my face, "Seriously?"

"Yes. They would have liked you. Especially Red Jacket. She liked your type."

I squeezed him, "I would love to be a part of this! I love you so much I can't phrase it without sounding stupid."

He nodded, patting my hand, "I understand. We do not need words to communicate."

The next day, we brought up seperate stones, and painted them under the mid-day sun, before placing them next to his family's.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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