Nick Valentine ➵ A Break

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Nick Valentine
Fallout 4
Warning: Smut

I sat back in my chair, Preston sitting next to me

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I sat back in my chair, Preston sitting next to me. We sat calmly in the quiet bliss of Sanctuary. Preston was examining his laser rifle, but my eyes were rested on the man before me. Nick was currently fixing up an old, broken typewriter. Wouldn't work again, since all ink had pretty much been radiated, or turned into something else due to chemical reaction, but he sill fixed it up decently for work. He was standing at the workbench, useing a small screwdriver.

I released a tiny sigh, quiet enough so my partner wouldn't hear it. After a minute or two, I got to my feet. Preston raised his brows at me, and I cleared my throat, adjusting my shoulder armor, "I'm getting Nick a bottle of water... Coolant, I mean. Don't want him to overheat." I laughed nervously.

Preston gave a nod, "Good thinking. Water's in the container in the back. Coolant is... Actually, I think it's on a shelf in there. you should be able to catch it."

I thanked him, and grabbed a water bottle for me, and one small travel size container of Coolant. I held the bottles, one in each hand, making my way over to him and praying I wouldn't trip. He heard me approaching, a gorgeous smile overcoming his synthetic lips. I felt my confidence wither a bit as his hand grazed mine in the exchange of Coolant . He unscrewed the lid, "Thanks, pal." He stepped back, looking at his typewriter, "How's she looking?"

I smiled, "I'm impressed. I mean, I knew you could do it, but y'know... It's- It's really gorgeous. That's what I'm trying to say." I laughed nervously as I fumbled my words. Nick hooked a thumb in hjs tenchcoat pocket, "Yeah. It's sort of a shame she won't work, but... still looks nice. A good decoration, I suppose."

I elbowed him lightly, "Hey, don't sweat it. Maybe there's some good ink in D.C. MacCready is heading down there, getting his son, and coming back. I could get him to grab you some, if there is any."

"Shoot, you'd do that for me?"

"Course I would. We're friends. That's what friends do."

"You're the greatest. Don't know how you do it..."

"Do what?"

"You have everything taken from you and you still make it your first priority to help others. I beginning to think that you qualify for my list of actual human beings."

I scoffed, "Oh please. You're the same way."

"Might solve a case here and there, but I'm no comparison to you... Anyways, thanks for the Coolant."

I smiled, "Yeah, no problem. Maybe we can talk over a beer later tonight?"

He darted his eyes to the ground, "Yeah, I think I'd like that. Not the beer part. Obviously. Not for me, anyways." He chuckled a little, looking at the tool in his hand, "Been needing someone to kick back with for a while."

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