Curie ➵ Date Night

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Fallout 4
Warning: Smut

CurieFallout 4Warning: Smut

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"Come on, Curie. You look fine, I'm sure. Hurry before that noodle robot dies and needs to recharge or something."

I heard her voice from our room, "I do not think that is how that works!" She stepped out, finally, and I smiled warmly, looking over her with a small smile, "You look... really good."

She spun in a slow circle, "Thank you!"

I held out an arm and she took it. We went out into Diamond City, and got to the noodle stand without a hassle. (I did give a dirty glare to a guard that looked Curie up and down, but she didn't need to know that.) We grabbed our food, and went into Valentine's Detective Agency. He was out helping some Vault Dweller, and Ellie was out on a date, but she still managed to set up a date for me and Curie. We walked in, and I was shocked at how good of a job she did.

The table was set, despite our already having food and silverware, and it was covered in a mauve cloth. It had a white candle standing upright in the center, and even a rose on the table-side where Curie was sitting. We ate calmly, talking about whatever came up, mostly just her experiments and whatnot. I twirled my fork, nervously looking to her, "I wasn't lying earlier. You, uh... You look great tonight. Really. Not just tonight, I mean you look great always, but the dress really brings out-"

She smiled brightly and it shut me up, "Thanks!"

I blushed again, tapping finger on my fork nervously. Curie reached across the table, taking my hand, "Are you alright? Something seems wrong."

I looked away, "Yeah, I'm great. Really."

She shook her head, standing up, "No you're not. Your hands are clammy. Come here and let me feel your forehead." She told me to come to her, but before I could move she had already sat on my lap (a common ritual of ours), and put the back of her hand to my forehead. She frowned a little and put her palm on the back of my neck, "You're burning up!"

I bit the inside of my cheeks, suddenly unsure what to do with my hands. She frowned, "Are you feeling nauseous? Should we go home?"

I shook my head, still unable to speak. She frowned, "Well then, what's the matter with you?" 

I finally had the courage to meet her eyes, looking at her hungrily, "Can we fuck?"

Her frown faded a little and she stood up, delivering a slap across my face, "I thought you were seriously sick!"

I looked back to her calmly. Her slap felt like being hit by a clawless cat. Before I knew what was happening, she was back on my lap, kissing me with the same hunger I'd held in my eyes. My instinct seemed to take control, because my hands were gripping her hips firmly, and grinding her against me roughly. She let out a quiet moan, and I growled, nipping at her bottom lip. I grabbed at the bottom of her dress, pulling it back over her thighs so her rear was exposed. I gripped gently and she let out a soft gasp.

I fumbled with her underwear hurriedly, pulling the fabric down to her knees. I guided my hand south and she sucked in a breath, tangling her fingers in my hair and moving forward. I thrust one finger into her, and she let out a soft moan, leaning forward and pushing her lips to my neck sweetly. I let out a moan as she bit at the skin below my ear. I added a digit, then another, doing my best to work my thumb along a sensitive area of hers. She came not long after, staying on my lap and catching her breath. I moved her short hair from her forehead, and smiled, "You just orgasmed all over my outfit."

She immediately became apologetic, standing up and straightening herself back into order before finding me some of Nick or Ellie's spare clothes. I changed and we headed back home, leaving a mess for one of them to clean up.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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