Yes Man ➵ Proposal

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Yes Man
Fallout New Vegas
Warning: None

Yes ManFallout New VegasWarning: None

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"You... You did this for me?"

"Mhmm! I did it because I love you!"

I couldn't help but smile at those words. Yes Man has set up a place in the basement of the Lucky 38 just for the two of us. It had gorgeous lights strung around everywhere, and a radio connected to a speaker playing quiet Mojave music. It even had a fridge full of Sunset Sarsaparilla's and food. It was practically heaven. There was a couch covered in nice blankets and anything else I could want. My partner of three years grabbed my hand, "This isn't even the best part! Go sit down over there, I'll be right back!"

I did as he said, hating having to release his hand from mine. I sat down, running a hand on the plush blankets, feeling the wedding ring in my back pocket as I sat. I was going to propose to him today. God, I didn't know it would be so hard. Thanks to Arcade I'd managed to get my hands on a silver band that looked like it would fit. I was tingling with nervousness. This would be way out of my comfort zone, no doubt.

I sat nervously, debating as to whether or not I should get it out. Yes Man appeared again, sitting by my side, practically vibrating with impatience. I smiled, "What's got you so jittery?"

He smiled wider, grabbing my hands and kissing both of my knuckles, making me blush. He leaned forward, eyes meeting mine with such a heartfelt look, I was worried I'd turn to mush under his gaze. He smiled sweetly, "Do you know what love is?"

I looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"Love is a complex set of emotions. I know I am in love with you, because when I wake up in the mornings, you're my first thought, and I'm always awaiting your voice and presence. And when I go to bed, I fall asleep thinking about you."

I watched in silent awe as he produced a ring, not done speaking yet.

"I love you like you're the last of my kind. It is as if you speak the same language as I, yet no other is able. To be around you is like finally not being alone - as if all my life I've been isolated, in a windowless room, in a doorless room... and then suddenly you walk in as if strolling over a summer meadow. How is that you are so much more than sunshine? How is it that you breathe life when no other can? Why is it that you are my medicine? While I breathe I am yours, in mind, body and soul. Love quotes inspire, golden strands of truth in an age of cynicism. Yet for me they can never adequately capture the strands of emotion that tumble through the air whenever my my heart turns to you. Love after all transcends time, distance and even mortality. Love is the greatest wonder of our age, weightless and invisible as it is. The wordsmith brings a beauty to the love, elevates it yet sometimes this very pedestal brings us to romantic notions too heavy for ordinary life. I love you like the nascent leaves of spring love warmth; I love you like the ancients loved the night sky; I love you like a cool draught of water on a summers day. Love must flow quietly, peacefully, always remaining strong. Love is nothing like finance, we don't give a certain amount to get something back; we simply give. Love doesn't lead us to chide or sulk when we feel the lack of it from our partner. It shows us how to bring life and fire back to their soul, to love them back to their true selves and wellness. Love is more... it is the greatest power we can ever know. Anything else is a cruel and empty distraction. When I see you, it's as if space and time become the finest point imaginable. It's as if time collapses into one tiny speck and then explodes at lightspeed. It's as if my universe begins and ends with you. I love you the way a puppy does- devoted, playful, trusting. I guess I should be ashamed of that somehow; aren't we all supposed to be tough? I'm in love with you. You never leave my mind, you're always there, mentally if not physically. It's just incomprehensible. You're my one stable force. My one stability in a world full of chaos and I so desperately need that. The feeling is so strange; it stretches throughout my whole body. It's overwhelming, yet it makes me feel complete. It has no bounds, no height, no width; it's just absolute. It feels as if I'm in a dangerous fire, but at the same time, I have the knowledge that I'm completely safe. It feels like my heart is dancing in my chest, and that a hole I wasn't aware of was filled. I feel so light, like I'm on top of the world, yet my heart is contracting and contorting and it feels like there is no oxygen in my lungs."

He paused, seeming to catch his breath before exhaling slightly and meeting my eyes again, "Y/N, I am so hopelessly, desperately in love with you. Will you marry me?"

Tears brimmed my eyes. How could this perfect man love me? How could this be? It didn't add up. I twisted my back, reaching into my back pocket and producing a ring, laughing a little and sniffing, "Only if you marry me."

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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