Paladin Danse ➵ Kidnapped

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Paladin Danse
Fallout 4
Warning: Cursing, Slight Violence

Paladin Danse Fallout 4Warning: Cursing, Slight Violence

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"Why should I let you go again?"

"Because I'm supposed to be the older one! It's the younger one that's supposed to need saving. This isn't fair. How come I'm always the one getting kidnapped instead of Maxson? Hell, he's the leader of the Brotherhood of Steel, but do people go after him? Nooooooo, they come after his older sibling. Maybe you guys should just kidnap him next. Oh, actually, better idea, why don't we just-"

I felt a slap on my face and my head whipped to the side, getting pained ooh's from surrounding raiders. I looked back to the man who'd kidnapped me. His voice was gruff, "You talk too much."

I kept my eyes planted on the wall, freezing where he'd slapped my face. I closed my eyes, inhaling a shaky breath before turning and looking to him, my hands roped behind me and my feet on the ground, "You talk a big game, take these ropes off and and my ring'll become real friendly with your jaw. Unless you're scared."

Another slap radiated from my other cheek, and I felt tears of anger flood my eyes. I wasn't sad. Not in the least. I was just pissed off. You could pour water on me and it would evaporate. I hated not being in control of a situation, and I frowned, "Do that one more fucking time and I swear to-"

He moved his hand again to slap me, but I leaned back, making him stumble forward from the force, and I planted a foot harshly to his crotch, making him double-over. He stood up, putting a hand in his holstered gun, when another raider joined, "We have Brotherhood soldiers incoming."

He frowned, limping awkwardly, "They're here for this prick." He motioned to me and I frowned. He pointed at me, "You stay silent, or I'll show you what pain really feels like."

"If you live to be able."

He ran out to join the fight, and I sat in a chair, whistling to myself calmly. I heard a knock at the door and sighed, "Come in, Danse!"

How did I know it was him? Well, who else would knock on a druggie-filled battlefield for privacy purposes?"

He shut the door behind him, and I rose to my feet. He put a hand to his mouth before coming to untie my wrists and ankles, both bound by course, itchy rope. Once free, I wrapped him in a hug, "Thanks Danse, now let's get out of here before that creep comes back."

He smiled, "Glad to have you back, soldier."

I scoffed, "I'm just glad someone came for me."

He spoke as we snuck out through the back of the camp, "It was actually your brother that sent me. He said that he only trusted me to do this, so I picked out two other Paladins, got their armor fixed up, and just told them we had a Raider hideout to clear."

"So you and my brother are the only ones that know I was kidnapped?"


I sighed, "He's never going to let me hear the end of this." I leaned over, giving Danse a kiss on the cheek, "Guess I have you to thanks for all this, then."

"Actually, the Elder-"

"No. I don't want to thank my brother, I want to thank you."

He blushed, "Oh, please... I-I don't think I did that much. Simply followed orders."

"Just shut up and kiss me back."

Once behind a safe enough building, we rose to our full height, and he planted his hands on my waist and pushed his lips to mine before pulling away and throwing down a Vertibird grenade, "We can't tell the Elder about-"

"I don't tell my brother anything about my personal life." I took his hand, "And now, you're my personal life. Got it?"

"Got it."

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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