Deacon ➵ Pranks

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Fallout 4
Warning: Cursing

I muttered under my breath, "God damn it

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I muttered under my breath, "God damn it..." I shouted, "Deacon!"

Deacon stuck his head in the room, fluttering his eyelashes at me like a Disney princess, and saying innocently, "Yes, love?"

I had my arms crossed, looking at the whoopee cushion in my seat, "This is funny. Real funny. Almost as funny as that time I killed you."

He frowned, now stepping into the room, "You haven't killed me."

"Not yet, but any more pranks and I swear to god-"

"Awh, come on, who doesn't like a little fun?"

"I'm trying to wrap up a case file for Nick, and I need to have my mind clear. I can't do that when you do shit like this!" He frowned, taking the whoopee cushion into his hand and tossing it up and catching it. The third time, I slapped it to the ground, shooing him out so I could write up the case closing for Nick.

The next day, I sat in the living room on the couch, a smile plastered on my face. I looked to the door, and the barely visible plastic wrap I had taped to the doorway. It was near the bottom. I cupped my mouth, "Deacon, come here!"

I heard his voice from the room, "I'm writing to HQ right now! What do you need?"

"Just come here!"


"I'm naked!"

I heard a thud and a rustle of paper (probably him falling from his chair and fixing the letter), before hearing him make his way down the hall, turning the corner at full speed. His ankles got caught in the plastic wrap and he immediately tripped, catching himself with his hands on the ground. He released a breath, looking over to me and frowning, "You're wearing clothes." His chin was squarely on the ground. With his ankles bound, I grabbed the roll of Saran Wrap I'd left on the counter and bound his arms to his sides. He let me, then flopped over on his back, smiling dashingly up at me, "You know, if you wanted to tie me up and hold me down, you could have just asked."

"Hush before I throw an egg at you. This is me getting back at you for that prank you pulled yesterday. Now, if you don't mind." I picked up a list from the counter, "I have a bunch of things I need to bring Valentine. I'll be back in about two hours."

His smiled faded as I walked to the door, "Woah, wait, what? No no no this isn't a prank, this is animal cruelty! Wait, that's not right..." I closed the door behind me, hearing him speak through our open windows, "I'm calling God! He's gonna be mad when he hears about this one!" I didn't reply. I stayed at the door and soon heard, "This means war!"

I chuckled, walking on. I looked at the list in my hand, unfolding it. Why the hell did Nick need four-hundred and twenty water balloons?

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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