Our Edge of the World

17 5 0

By: AaliyaShihan2004

First Impressions (ex. Cover, blurb, title)

 -Title: The title seems fitting and unique. 

-Cover: The cover is nice, but it is a little difficult to read the subtitle above the title. 

-Blurb: The blurb is is fine. 

Mechanics (ex. Grammar, sentence structure, etc.)

There aren't too many grammar mistakes. 

Plot & Characters:

- There tends to be more than one exclamation point or question marks used, but it maybe can still be expressed with just one each time. 

- There are a lot of ellipsis used. While it can be the way someone thinks or talks, both Avery and Zander use it a lot, so the speech patterns are very similar. Some suggestions might be to use a comma or end the sentence with a period. 

- It's a bit difficult to get a read on who these people are, so like including likes and dislikes, more personality traits (like stubborn/motivated/creative, etc)

We wish you the best on your writing ahead!

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