BY Jarvis1989
First Impressions (ex. Cover, blurb, title)
-Title: The title seems fitting.
-Cover: The cover is fine.
-Blurb: The blurb is alright.
Mechanics (ex. Grammar, sentence structure, etc.)
There are some minor grammar issues.
There are an excessive amount of exclamation points. A period can speak volumes.
Plot & Characters
- In chapter 2, it starts off with a story about a father and son, and then it continues to talk about Vik. Perhaps a chapter divider (Like some writers insert some dashes in between paragraphs) will help readers understand that these two events are slightly separate.
- In chapter 6, two characters fight. Perhaps there can be more description in how they fight, to give readers a more vivid experience.
- In the last chapter, last couple paragraphs, it details what went events actually transpired. However, the explanation did not feel complete. It left questions unanswered and seemed to directly contradict what was said without explanation. [Spoiler Ahead] For example, it seemed as if Vik shot Mera, but later on it seemed as though she was still alive. This was not explained very well as to what actually happened.
- This story has good tension and suspense in the story, with the right amount of buildup.
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