Quit Bugging Me

42 1 0

By: sandydragon1

First Impressions (ex. Cover, blurb, title)

-Title: The title is great, it reflects the nature of the book.

-Cover: Great colors and it gives you a sense of the story.

-Blurb: The blurb gives a good sense of the plot without revealing too much.

Mechanics (ex. Grammar, sentence structure, etc.)

There are no issues in terms of grammar or sentence structure.


-There is an interesting storytelling method used, it is reminiscent of books for a younger audience, like a children's chapter book.

-It took a little while to understand the whole animal companionship at the beginning, but it is understood that it is a bit complex.

-It is a challenge to incorporate the animals' actions and noises in addition to what the people are doing and saying, but it is well done here.


-Good characters, the development is starting, so there's a lot of good potential there. 

I definitely was ready to read the next chapter, until I realized there wasn't another chapter (yet), which is a really good indication that the story was engaging. Great work, I'm looking forward to seeing where the story goes next!


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