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By: ImaginaryThoughts12

First Impressions (ex. Cover, blurb, title)

-Title: The title is good.

-Cover: The cover is nice but the author's name is a little hard to read.

-Blurb: The blurb is fine but there are some grammar errors in the blurb.

Mechanics (ex. Grammar, sentence structure, etc.)

There are some grammatical errors.

Plot & Characters 

- In chapter four, it mentions the date the letter is written: March 28, 2001. This information isn't impactful unless the readers know what year this story takes place.

- The inserts of letters and other media provide nice breaks in the story, while also aiding the storytelling. 

- In chapter seven, it talks about the war, but it is a little confusing as to what happened in the war, what the conflict was about, and what the lasting impact of the war was. It also was unclear whether this was a fictional war that took place or a real, historical war.

This story seems to be an interesting mystery unraveling. Best of luck to you in your writing journey! 

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