City of Circe

26 3 0

By SassyMarvelousGirl

First Impressions (ex. Cover, blurb, title)

-Title: The title is fine

-Cover: The cover is good but its hard to see the author's name as it does not contrast a lot to the background and the title font is a little underwhelming.

-Blurb: The blurb is good, but the name Sebastian is mentioned without any explanation as to who he is.

Mechanics (ex. Grammar, sentence structure, etc.)

The grammar needs some improvement.

Plot & Characters

- We felt the main character was giving some Mary Sue vibes. It seems like she's quite impressive without flaws.

- Perhaps instead of having her explain to us her past, hint and give the reader pieces of the puzzle slowly to draw readers into the story.

- At some point, she was dressed by her old name, Ariana, but perhaps it would be good to only refer to her by her new name to keep it consistent.

It will be interesting to see where you take this plot. Best of luck with your writing journey!  

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