By: LKrahn
First Impressions (ex. Cover, blurb, title)
-Cover: The cover looks great, though some of the smaller text is a little hard to read.
-Blurb: The blurb is fine.
-Title: The title is good.
Mechanics (ex. Grammar, sentence structure, etc.)
Grammar issues are seldom to none.
Plot & Characters
- It's kind of hard to follow chapters with the title "Another's mind" because they almost seem to be from a different story with new characters and concepts that don't connect. There's a lot of new information that doesn't feel relevant to what's been going on already and it's hard to understand who is who because of the amount of information that's being dumped all at once.
- Some paragraphs in the chapters "Another's mind" can be broken up into more paragraphs for easier reading.
- One more suggestion about the chapters with the title "Another's Mind" is to include the reaction from Astrid. What does she think about these dreams? Does she understand what goes on in them? Or are they all kind of foreign to her?
The overall prose is easy to understand what is happening even though the nature of the apocalypse is disorienting, and there's good pacing and suspense. Best of luck to you in your writing journey!
Elephant Reviews [CFCU]
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