Purple, Red and Blue

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By: justnickaFirst Impressions (ex. Cover, blurb, title)

-Title: It is not understood how the title it matches the story exactly. Purple, red, and blue made us think of bruises or something.

-Cover: The cover is nice, but the author's name is a little hard to read.

-Blurb: The blurb is fine.

Mechanics (ex. Grammar, sentence structure, etc.)

The grammar is pretty good, there's just a typo or a word left out once in a while. Perhaps a read through out loud might help catch those errors.

Plot & Character

- It seemed like Andie and Sebastian started sharing personal stories very quickly. Perhaps it would make a little more sense if he's a friend that she hasn't spoken to in a long time. Additionally, it seems like he didn't even notice she was avoiding him and he seemed to casually greet her as if nothing had happened.

- Maybe add more set up in terms of some details about the character's personalities through mannerisms or small events that happen to illustrate who they are as a person.

- Perhaps we can see a scene where Noah is drinking behind her back, as a way of showing the state of the relationship instead of telling.

- The way she saw him at the party made it seem like it had been years instead of months since they last saw each other.

- Why did they not lock the door after the first interruption? If it is sort of for comedic effect/repetition, perhaps have them comment "We should really lock that door, shouldn't we?" once the last person accidentally walks in on them.

The prose is written well and has a satisfying ending. We wish you the best of luck in your writing journey!

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