Summer heat

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George and Dream were sweating their asses off inside their house,sure they could turn the AC but it was broken and they had to get a new one later. George complains about the heat as Dream just gets up to go into the kitchen to get his keys then returns back to George,"Come on let's go. " Dream said. George wipes some sweat off of his forehead and looks at Dream,"Huh? What do you mean Clay? Where are we going?" George asked. "We're going to the store to buy some popsicles to cool down and also a new ac which will be a bitch to get in because you're kinda weak." Dream said jokingly as George rolls his eyes at Dream then got up,and they went out the door making sure to lock it then got in the car and drove to the store. When they got there they enter store and head in after they lock the car door. George got a basket and they went to the ice cream isle and looked at the many flavors,"Which one do you want?" He asked Dream and he shrugged. "How about the watermelon ones? I heard watermelon is refreshing and helps in the heat." Dream says opening the freezer. "Yeahh sure if it helps then sure." George answers as Dream gets three boxes of them and puts them in the basket,and he along with George check out their stuff and headed back home. They went into their house George opens the window so some air comes in to cool the house down then sits down on the couch as Dream gets two popsicles for him and George and puts the rest in the freezer then joins George. Dream hands his lover a popsicle which George thanks him,they unwrapped the plastic from the popsicle then take a bite out of it. "Tomorrow we gotta buy that AC babe,or else imma dieeee." George whines to Dream who just replies with a chuckle then gives him a kiss,"Okay Love,we'll get one tomorrow,I promise ." Dream said while eating his popsicle.

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