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I ordered breakfast at 10pm- no regrets

Requested by sapnapisapissbaby


George held his son in his arms giving him kisses,"Who's my little sunshine?" He asked with a smile. "I am!" Dream's voice said from behind then hugs his husband. "I wasn't talking to you,I was talking to Sapnap." George said rolling his eyes at him. "But George,I was your first sunshineee!" Dream said jealousy. George kisses him,"Well you gotta accept that you're now in second place." He said as he sits Sapnap down into his high chair,he went into the fridge and got some food and setting it down in front of Sapnap. Dream pouts as he tried to get George's attention but failed as his lover's attention was on their child. He then quickly smiles taking the spoon from the child and fed his son,"Aww who's your favorite parent? I am!" Dream said making George huff at him. "No I am!" George said making Dream grin at him as he continues to feed his son. Sapnap lets out a giggle as he watched his parents go back and forth aguring about which parent he loved more. George and Dream's heart melt when they saw their son giggling ,"Awww ,he's so cute! I love him." Dream smiles softly. "Yeahh he is." George agrees, then they looked at each other and kissed. "I'm glad you're my husband and I'm glad we had a kid." Dream said earning another kiss from George. "Me too." He said as they went back to watching their kid eat along with making a mess with his food.

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