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Bad walks to an abandon place where no one could find him, he climbs the stairs to the top of the roof opening the door to see a man wearing a green hoodie,some jeans, and a mask. Bad bites his lip in annoyance thinking about how the man ruined his plans of jumping off, he then walks up to the man ,"Why are you up here?" He asked . The masked man sighed shaking his head,"You wouldn't understand...I thought he was the one,but he left me for someone else..." the man said said sadly.  "What?! You were going to jump because of  some boy or lady didn't like you back? Listen there are plenty of men and women out there who are wayy better than that jerk,you haven't found him or her  yet."Bad said. "Heh... I guess you're right" The blonde haired man said before leaving. Bad smiled feeling good of himself that he stopped a person from jumping even though he was going to jump,he then  leaves the building maybe today was worth living. Few days later Bad does the same thing going to the same place on the same roof top but this time he see a black haired man wearing a black long sleeved shirt with a white shirt over it with a flame on it and he to was about to jump but Bad stopped him,"Why are you going to jump?.."he asked the male. "Everyone is betraying me it feels like.. everyone is talking behind my back and saying such rude things to me.. saying my friends will leave a lowlife like me ..then say I should off myself. " the man said looking away. Bad gives the raven hair man a tight hug,"Don't listen to them,your real friends wouldn't leave you but defind you,they love you for you and  don't listen to the negative comments they say
Only focus on the good!" Bad said to the man hoping that excuse he made wouldn't cause the man to jump. The black haired boy gives him a smile smile,"heh... thanks man,that kinda made me feel better. See you later I guess." He said walking passed Bad. Once the man left Bad falls to his knees with his head in his hands,"Why is it that I'm there for everyone but no one's here for me?" He said to himself.  The next week came and Bad said to himself this was the day he would  jump, he went to the abandon place and went to the roof and felt frustrated when he saw yet another person there. The person was a male with black hair and was wearing a blue hoodie,"Hey..what are you doing up here??" Bad asked the shorter male.The male sighed,"No matter what I do is never enough to satisfy people! I work my ass off 24/7 just for people to hate on me.. I haven't done anything bad,why are people such assholes? Don't they know words hurt?" He asked. Bad grabs the man's hand ,"Please don't jump.. please i.. can't.." he said as tears started to form in his eyes,"I'm sure people appreciate what you do...please just don't jump..I begg of you." He said holding the man's hand tighter. The black haired man  gives Bad a pity smile,"I guess today isn't my day.," he said then gives Bad's hand a squeeze before leaving him alone. The next day Bad was at the roof top with no one there, this was his chance as he walked to the edge thinking how free he would be if he ended his life. No more being spammed with memes that causing him to break down and cry,and no more being trolled. He was about to walk off the edge as a hand pull stopped him and was quickly pulled into a tight hug group  by Dream,Sapnap,and Skeppy who whispered compliments to Bad as he broke down crying happy that they stopped him from jumping and that they actually cared for him.

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