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Darryl was feeling nervous while streaming because he lost a bet to his boyfriend,Zak,which now he had to shave his head on stream. He wasn't ready to be called Baldboyhalo mainly because he knew people will spam it in chat,and if he say to stop his fans wouldn't and he might end up breaking down and crying. He promise to himself he won't cry but to tough it out. Zak was on team speak with him as he slowly shaves his head. "Geppy,I don't want to do this!" He cries out but Zak encourages him to go through with it. "You won't look that bad I promise!" Zak said then someone joined the call which happened to be Dream,"Just do it you were already ugly to begin with, even with hair." Clay says jokingly then leaves the chat. "Hey! I'm not ugly I'm handsome! That stupid muffin head." Darryl said huffing. He takes a deep breath and continues to shave some more,and almost half of his hair is gone. "I feel so bad,this is hard to watch." Zak said as he watches his boyfriend struggling. "Hey! No going back! I already almost shaved half of my hair." He said as he keeps shaving some more. After a few more mins of shaving he was finally bald and was scared to look at the chat 'I won't break down,I won't break down.' he said in his head,then looks at the chat and saw the comments. They showed nothing but love and support for him,which made him really happy it made him wanna cry but he kept it in,"Welp guys that's pretty much it. I think I'm gonna clean this mess up and end the stream see you next time!" He says with a smile then ends the streams and sighed rubbing his head,"I already miss my hair" he said out loud feeling sad a tad bit. He hears his door opening and his boyfriend comes in. "Go ahead,make fun of me." Bad says sadly then waits for Zak's response. Zak goes over to Darryl and starts kissing him and giving him compliments ,"So Pretty. Handsome. Cute." He said in between kisses. "Oh my goodness Zak! Stop it!" Darryl said letting Zak kiss him. "Not untill you say you're pretty." Zak said kissing Darryl's head then all over his face. Bad quickly gives in because knew his boyfriend wouldn't stop kissing unless he said he was pretty,"Fine,I'm pretty.." he said as Zak keeps kissing him. "Say it like you mean it."His boyfriend said then kissed his jaw and neck. Darryl gets up from his chair and hugs Zak tightly while his lover keeps kissing him,"I'm pretty." He said feeling love by not only his fans but his boyfriend,"I'm pretty." He said again making Zak stop kissing him. "Yes you are baby boy." He said making Darryl blush and look away. "You're so cute when you blush." Zak smiles and pecks him on the lips,"I love you." He added. "I love you too." Darryl said smiling shyly earning another kiss from Zak,"Let's get the room cleaned up." He said earning a nod from Darryl,"Alright..actually can we donate my hair to someone who needs it more?" He asked as Zak smiled giving him another kiss,"Of course love."

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