🚍Bus Rides🚍

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Skeepy always catches the bus whenever he returns from work,but today was one of those days where be was completely exhausted, his boss had him run all over the place like a chicken with no head,So he was on the bus struggling to stay awake he eventually gived up and ended up falling asleep.The bus stops at where Skeppy needed to get off but he was still asleep,he feels a light tap on his shoulder and slowly wakes up still half asleep to see a man smiling at him,"Sorry to wake you,but this is your stop. I hope you slept well." He said causing Skeppy to get up slowly, "Thank you.." Skeppy said tiredly then headed off the bus and heading back home. Everyday when he took the bus he saw the man he eventually asked him for his name,which was Bad and they became good friends.

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