🐤 Quackity 🐤

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Quackity frowns at his stream as he notice they were making fun of him for his lisp along with cancelling him for speaking Spanish, but he covers it up with a smile acting like nothing is wrong," Alright,guys imma call it a night! It was a great stream! I love you all!" He said making a heart with his hands then ends the stream. He lets out a sigh,"Why are they so mean? Ughh! Come on Alex focus of the positive not the negative!" He said giving himself small prep talk. He got up from his chair to his bed flopping down on it,"Maybe tomorrow will be a good day." He said then falls asleep. When he woke up he checked his phone seeing more hate then gets off of his phone and laid in bed for a few more hours,"So mean." He mumbles,and hears tons of dings sounds ,checking his phone he seeing so many messages saying how much they love and appreciate the hard work he does,he even gotten some positive messages his friends. He smiles feeling better then got up to start his day since he was feeling motivated and happy now along with loved.

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