🎁The Best or Worse Gift you ever gotten?🎁

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Ghostbur and George were talking about the worse and the best gifts they had gotten for Christmas. "The best gift I've gotten or that I can remember was when I was young ,Tommy made me a card saying how much he admire and looked up to me,now that he's older he doesn't remember at all and that kinda makes me sad,but maybe one day he'll remember."Ghostbur said with a smile "What's the worse gift you had gotten?" He then asks his friend. "Ummmm the worse gift I've ever gotten was an IOU and I'm not saying who it was from because who the hell gives a person an iou on Christmas? "George said letting out a sigh,"An IOU!! Ughh so dumb..". Ghostbur listens to him,"it's better than nothing.  You could use that iou for anything or use it right away,despite them not giving you a gift the gift or the iou could be like having them spending Christmas with you that way you don't get lonely if you don't have anyone to celebrate it with... I know I could use it..." he said then takes out some blue dye saying some stuff to it then throws it away. "Are you okay?" George asked  getting concerned for Wilbur. " yeah...yeahh I'm fine.. I guess the worse gift I could get is not able to hug my love ones... I have to watch them hug each... no no I'm fine.. perfectly fine... nice chatting with you George I gotta go talk to tommy about something important.  Talk to you later.." Ghostbur said. "Bye... talk to you later.." George said as he watches Ghostbur leaving.

Five minutes later...

"Tommy,come give your big brother a hug...please..." Ghostbur requested with his arms open hoping to get a hug.  "Wilbur not now,I'm busy mining and looking for some iron and coal. " Tommy said being distracted making Wilbur even more sad.  Wilbur tried to wrap his arms around his brother to hub him but he just went through him. Wilbur gets out more blue dye and looks down at it silently,he didn't hear Tommy calling out his name untill he heard Techno's voice. "Hello brother!" Ghostbur said with a smile then frowns as Techno ignores him and starts arguing with Tommy. He tried to give Techno a hug as well but that to didn't work so he just left his two brothers to fight and to wonder for abit. He eventually find Philza who was doing some late night  fishing ,"Hello Dad!.." he said giving his best smile even though he was hurting alittle. "Hey son,how are ya?" Philza asked returning the smile. Wilbur quickly drops the smile,"I'll be lying if I said I was fine.. I wish I could hug you and my brothers again.. I miss that feeling.. I feel kinda lonely not gonna lie" Wilbur says. Philza sets his fishing rod down"Son,you aren't alone. Even if you can't hug us anymore we'll still be able to talk to you and tell you how much we love you especially your brothers in their own special way. Never stop smiling and continue to spread positively,I love you." He said comforting him. Wilbur gives his father a sad smile ,"Thank you dad.. that means alot to me you don't understand."he said as his voice cracked and tears ran down his face. Philza then said,"I think for Christmas we should spend time together along with your brothers coming because they don't have a choice. I don't want you to feel alone this year you deserve love just as much as anyone". Those words made Wilbur even more happy,"Yes,I'll definitely be there. Thank you again!  I gotta go now,I love you talk to you later!" He said excitedly. "Bye son,I love you too. Glad I could make you feel better." Philza said giving him a smile as he watched his son leave.

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