🍫🍬🍭Shopping for Candy🍭🍬🍫

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Halloween was close and Bad needed to go shopping for candy because he love seeing the happy faces of children when they trick or treat and it's traditional to just give out candy. Bad heads into the office where Skeppy was on his phone just texting,"Geppy come onn! We gotta get some candy for halloween!" He says wrapping his arms around the other. "You don't need my help to buy candy. Kids aren't picky they will be happy with anything as long as you don't give them a carrot or a toothbrush." Skeppy pointed out. "It'll be more fun if we go together! I want your company! I wanna hold your hand in public! Please?" Bad said  kissing Skeppy's cheek.Skeppy sighed then puts his phone down,"Fine,I'll come. You're lucky that I care about you." He said taking hold of Bad's face and kisses him, then gets up to grab his keys with Bad happily following  behind him."Thank you." Bad smiles making the younger one roll his eyes.They headed out the house and went to a near by candy store and looked around the store,"We could give them expired candy as a trick." Skeppy said chuckling.  "Geppy No! What happens if we make the kids sick!" Bad said not approving of the idea. "Not my problem they won't know which candy made them sick so we're all good." Skeppy said not caring. "Geppy!" Bad said frowning at him. "Okay! Okay! I was just joking of course we're not going to give them expired candy. " He says. "Good, you muffin head." Bad said,"I think we should get the classic candy like snickers,M&Ms,kitkat,payday,and skittles." He adds. "Payday isn't really a classic candy and I don't know that many people who would eat that,but if you want to give that out then go for it I'm not stopping you." Skeppy said. "Mood killer." Bad mumbles under his breathe."What was that?" Skeppy asked."Nothing!" Bad said kissing him before smiling ,"Let's get about three big bags of mix candy! "He said ignoring the look Skeppy gived him and got three big bags of candy,and  buys the candy then heads back home. "Tell me what you said!" Skeppy said annoyed. "It's nothing,don't worry about it! I love you!" Bad said. "Ughh!! You don't love me then,If you won't tell me!" Skeppy whines annoyingly . "That's not true! I love you very much! You're my baby!" Bad smiles at him which in response Skeppy pouts,"If you'd love me you would tell me what you said!"he said crossing his arms. "Okay,I'll tell you. I called you a muffin head there." Bad lied but the other didn't believe it ,"Wow okay. " Skeppy said. There was a moment of silence before Bad finally speaks up,"It's the truth,and if you can't believe it thenthat's your problem not mine." He said while Skeppy remained quiet. "Geppy! Talk to me!" Bad said frowning and holds Skeppy's hand,"Skeppy!Skeppy! Talk to me!".Skeppy stayed quiet and didn't even talked to Bad the rest of the way home. "Do you hate me?.. I'm sorry. " Bad said softly with small tears in his eyes earning a sigh from Skeppy. "No Bad I'm not mad at you. It's just me being moody I guess.I love you." Skeppy said pecking Bad's lips making him happy again. "Okie! I'm glad you aren't mad at me!" Bad smiles and quickly hugs Skeppy,"Also I love you too! Let's get the candy in the fridge then go do something together!".
Skeppy smiles ,"Yeah,we can go make out or something like that." He says. "Oh my goodness! I meant something like streaming!... I wouldn't mind doing that with you.." Bad said blushing looking away from Skeppy who grins at him,"Awwww is someone blushing?" He asked. Bad quickly goes into the kitchen with Skeppy right behind him."Go away,you muffin head." Bad said putting the candy in the fridge.  "I want to make out with you though! You said you wanted to do some with me,well I want to make out!" Skeppy said clinging onto Bad puckering his lips at him. Bad shyly kisses Skeppy,"Finee,let's go make out."

"Yay!" Skeppy said excitedly.

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