Can't run away from us🔪

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The next few days or weeks I'm going to be posting some edge meaning that it could be gore or could have gore in it,that or it's angst. You've been warn.

If it's something angsty or edgy I'll use the knife emoji in the titles,and if it's not then I won't use the knife emoji



Tubbo was running for his life he didn't know how things turned out so badly. He was just going to hang out with Tommy but when he got there Tommy was laying dead  on the ground  with Jschlatt and Quackity there grinning over his body,"What have you done?!" Tubbo screamed at them. Jschlatt looked at the boy with an unamused look on his face,"Don't worry Quakity,I got this." Jschlatt said walking towards Tubbo as the boy begins to run away from the president. "You think you can run away from me?"Jschlatt shouted at  Tubbo close behind him. The young boy did his best to run away but unfortunately he had to trip over nothing but his own two feet. He gets back up and tried to keep running but Jschlatt grabbed Tubbo's hair pulling him back towards him. "Tubbo,long time no see 'buddy', how have  you been?" He asked with a grin. "P-Please,let me go!" Tubbo cried out as Jschlatt tsk at him,"You know I can't do that. You saw to much,so I gotta get rid of any evidence that I killed Tommy.  See the problem if I just let you go? You would run your mouth to everyone telling them I killed Tommy, and I can't have that." Jschlatt said taking out a small sharp knife from his pocket. Tubbo screamed as tears ran down his face as he begs Jschlatt not to kill him. "Goodbye, Tubbo." Jschlatt said quickly and slits Tubbo's throat causing blood to squirt out from his neck making the boy go limp. Jschlatt grins at his master piece as Quackity comes in caryying Tommy's body then drops it next to Tubbo's. "Let's go get cleaned up then frame Wilbur for murder. They will believe it because they know how Wilbur is going crazy, so it's a great cover up."Jschlatt said with a laugh. "Good idea President,you're so smart!" Quackity said admiring Jschlatt's plan. "I know." Jschlatt said as they left  the bodies behind.

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