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Eret wakes up feeling excited and quickly got dress wearing his strawberry dress along with black heeled boots,he waited for Wilbur as they were going to a pride convention that was going to happen today. Wilbur arrived at Eret's house wearing his yellow sweater,black jeans,his usually beanie,and his glasses. Wilbur knocks on the door as Eret answers it,earning a chuckle from Wilbur,"I see you're all ready for the convention." Wilbur said smiling.  "Hell yeah dude." He walks out of his house making sure to lock the door then they got into Wilbur's car and headed to where the pride convention was being held. They talked all the way there when they arrived they notices some homophobes there protesting. Eret frowns at that,"Don't they have something better to do than harassing innocent people who just want to live their lives without getting hate because of their sexuality..." he said getting out of the car with Wilbur.  Wilbur stayed quiet but he agreed with Eret something must be done about it,"Eret,I'll be back real quick,I gotta use the bathroom. Be careful." He said quickly then left before Eret could even answer him. Eret sighed and kept watching the protesters feeling his blood boil but he didn't do anything because he didn't want a fight to break out so he kept watching. One of the protester notices Eret and was about to walk over to him and say something offense but quickly got sprayed with a water,all of the protesters got sprayed. Eret looks over to where the water was coming from and saw that Wilbur holding a hose,and gives him a smile. Once Wilbur was finish spraying them he walked over to Eret and gives him a kiss who kisses back rather quickly , and still was holding the hose in his hand,"If you guys don't leave us alone then I'm going have to spray you again,and trust me you guys won't like it when I turn it on full blast!" Wilbur said with a laugh earning some grumbles from the protesters but they quickly retreated not wanting to get sprayed again. "Hey thank you Wilbur,I really appreciate it." Eret said happily.

"Yeah no problem dude,now let's go enjoy ourselves!" Wilbur said excitedly.

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